Unit 11 – Intelligence and Personality Humanistic and Trait Perspectives to Personality
Humanistic Perspective
1960’s Freud was so negative Skinner was so mechanical There must be some other way to describe us in a positive light…
If Freud and psychoanalysis asks, “Why are you sick If Freud and psychoanalysis asks, “Why are you sick?” – then Humanistic psychology must ask what?
Maslow and the Self-Actualizing Person Humans are motivated by what? Came up with idea by studying the healthy Humanistic psychology strives to study those that are self- determined and self-realized
What do Thomas Jefferson, Franklin D What do Thomas Jefferson, Franklin D. Roosevelt and Eleanor Roosevelt all have in common? Share common characteristics Self-aware, self-accepting, open and spontaneous, not paralyzed by opinions of others
Maslow’s studies MY MISSION IN LIFE IS… People who are moved by peak experiences (spiritual or personal) reach self actualization Which arousal theory works best here? Conclusion?
Bandura and Social-Cognitive Perspective Emphasized the interaction of our traits with our situations Self-efficacy
Carl Rogers and the Person Centered Perspective Believed people were born good with self- actualizing tendencies (meaning he agreed with whom?) Growth according to 3 key areas
Personal Growth 1. Genuineness Open about feelings, self disclosing
2. Unconditional positive regard for life Grace Knowing our failings, accepting them Speak in “I” statements 2.
3. Empathy Sharing and mirroring our feelings with our truths Aka – LISTENING and not just hearing
Rogers cont’d Idea of the self concept
Self-concept Positive self-concept: we act and perceive our world positively (can reach and be satisfied with goals) Negative self-concept: we fall short of our ideal self Examples with grades? Conclusion: be true to yourself and you’ll be happy When you feel heard, you’re more likely to listen
How do you calculate self-concept? Rogers used interviews, questionnaires, and conversations Questionnaires alone are not personal enough Concluded that a positive self concept occurs when your ideal self and your actual self are closely related by score
Humanistic Perspective is… EVERYWHERE Pervasive in society Examples?
Criticisms of Humanistic Psychology Focus too much on the positive Go back to TJ, FDR, Eleanor… are there any others that are self- actualized according to Maslow that may come from the other side of the spectrum?
Perspective encourages hope without reality of evil in the world Other criticisms Culture: collectivist vs. individual Self-actualization and self-concept have to deal with the self What happens in your life is based on the whole? Humanistic psych is IDEALIST, what about those who identify as REALIST? Perspective encourages hope without reality of evil in the world
Trait Perspectives in Personality
Gordon Allport Used labels – less explaining, more describing Central traits Reliable, silly, smart Secondary traits “You can’t take him to a restaurant” “She gets angry when you try to tickle her”
Raymond Cattell Used Allport’s adjectives Factor analysis People rate themselves 16PF – 16 Personality Factor Questionnaire
Eysenck and Eysenck Biological trait theory Introversion and extroversion Unstable and stable psychoticism Most normal people will fall somewhere in the middle
Biological Perspective (minor) Sheldon – somatotypes (personality based on genetics) Endomorphs: social, amiable Mesomorphs: assertive, adventurous Ectomorophs: emotionally restrained, secretive
MBTI Declared preferences Not a research instrument (not linked to performance) – not conclusive Can be used as a counseling and coaching tool http://www.myersbriggs.org/my-mbti-personality-type/mbti-basics/the-16-mbti-types.asp
The Big 5 Model Costa and McCrae Personality is organized around only 5 basic factors
The Big 5 Answer to Eysenck’s dimensions Big 5 is used more today than anything else Take inventory -
Reciprocal Determinism
Assessing Traits: MMPI Personality inventories MMPI Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory Assesses abnormal personality tendencies rather than normal traits Empirically derived – data based on discrimination among groups
Assessing the trait perspective Personality changes over time, yet consistent thru social development Not predictable Scores on inventories mildly predict Useful as descriptive OF behavior, does not offer explanation of the DEVELOPMENT of personality