Teacher Name: LyonsDate of Instruction: CL/GP through SIUnit of Study: Unit 4: Long Walk to Water/Human Rights Grade Level: 7 Required MaterialsInteractive Whiteboard, Prezi, Computers Learning ObjectiveSWBAT revise their titles as they continue to work on their Prezis. Class Opener/Do Now (2 minutes) Turn and Talk: What is the purpose of a title? Direct Instruction (10 minutes) Breakdown the LO Go over the strategies for a title (turn and talk, call and response, repeat answers) What do I capitalize? Sing the A, An, the song- discuss prepositions Turn and Talk: What should we include? Give them a look ahead at artifacts with Trash to Treasure Student Practice (20 minutes) Work with their team to revise their title Continue work on the Prezi Summary/Closure (5 minutes) Review Trash to Treasure Reminders: PPT/Extensions Stand – Share- Sit Share your title Formative Assessment Prezi work in real time and after Observation/Conferring Share out Homework Continue work, Bring in Clean Trash Adaptations Confer with the students Coach students through title, adding video, images, searching for info Extensions See slide and websites Technology Integration Use of Discovery Education/You Tube, Interactive Whiteboard, Computers, Prezi, Links
Lesson 4.26: How can we choose pictures, images and videos that best communicate our message? SWBAT: Create titles that effectively communicate the main message of their exhibit in an interesting way.
Do Now Turn and Talk: What is the purpose of a title? *!
Our Agenda for Today Do Now Mini Lesson- creating effective titles Revise Titles Work on the Prezi portion of your Human Rights Museum exhibit Wrap Up
Strategies Have fun with alliteration: Marriage Matters Love is Love Use powerful words: You, Rights, Injustice, Abuse, Violations, Marriage Is Not a Heterosexual Privilege Makes sure it accurately reflects your topic Keep it short Got Marriage?
Turn and Talk What strategies can I use to create an effective title?
What Words DO I Capitalize? Capitalize every word except: a, an or the- unless they start the title The Right to Marry A Special Day Prepositions: in, on, of, below, for, around, to… Example: Put the Human Back in Human Rights
Artifacts: Trash to Treasure… What works about this title? What trash can you turn into a treasure? BoxesToilet Paper or Paper Towel Rolls Popsicle SticksPacking Materials Old Newspapers/Magazines Plastic Utensils Coffee Cups/Sleeves Egg Cartons Dollar Store Finds!
Your Task Work on the Prezi portion of your Human Rights Museum Exhibit. An effective use of time includes… revising your titles locating visuals, pictures, and/or videos editing spelling, capitalization and grammar When you are done, come see the teacher to discuss the extension activities....
Extensions Add a call to action Find a quote that connects to your human right and explain it. Check your spelling, grammar and punctuation Make sure that everything connects back to your human right
A Call to Action… care-about/marriage-equalityhttp:// care-about/marriage-equality action-feb-26http:// action-feb-26
Wrap Up Stand- Share- Sit What is your title?