1 Review meeting for preparedness of Kharif
2 JHARKHAND STATE PROFILE Area in % Area in Lakhs Ha * Total Geographical Area: Total Cultivable Land :47.67 %38.00 Total Cultivable Land :47.67 %38.00 * Net Sown Area:32.30 % * Current Fallow: 8.32 %6.62 * Other Fallow:08.46 %6.75 * Forest:29.20 %23.28 * Barren Lands:7.20 %5.74 * Non – Agricultural Use:8.60 %6.86 * Pasture and Other Grazing Land:2.48 %1.97 * Cultivable Waste Land:3.44 %2.74 * Irrigated land:12.73 %3.007 * Cropping Intensity :125% 2
Rainfall Status during last 7 years SNoSNo MonthRainfall in MM Normal ,April May June July August Sept April- Sept Note : Monsoon shows the delayed trend.
Onset of monsoon & Dry spells S No. Year Date of OnsetScanty rainfall months June,August July,September June,September
Rainfall…..monthly distribution 5
Coverage in Kharif CropMaximum Coverage(000 Ha) Target of YearMain Crops Paddy ( ) Paddy Maize259.6 ( )310.00Maize Pulses358.4 ( )481.00Tur,Urd,Moong etc. Oil Seeds51.50 ( )56.21G.Nut,Til,Niger etc. Total YearTotal CoverageTarget (75.10%) (68.39%) (80.18%)
Production in Kharif CropMaximum Production (000 Ha) Main Crops Paddy ( ) Maize ( ) Pulses ( ) Oil Seeds ( )60.11 Total YearTotal ProductionTarget
Seed Rates finalized for Kharif Crops, Rabi Crops and Contingent Crop Availability of kharif seeds from seed villages and seed producing agencies ensured. Against total requirement of 1.52 lakh qt. seed tie up for 1.40 lakh qt. made Supply order of seeds of different crops issued in the first week of May, Distribution of seeds in different districts started. Drought resistant varieties has also been taken for kharif season. In situation of Drought the seed arrangements will be made. Kharif preparedness
Supply plan of fertilizers up to September has been made. 26 lakh farmers covered under KCC till now Special campaign for loan advancement made by Agr. deptt. farmers friend involved in filling and helping in processing forms Awareness campaign to be launched through ATMA programme to increase the crops insurance coverage Mobile based extension services to farmers Mkisan, Farmers portal, Kisan call Centre, Green SIM started Check Dams, Micro Lift will be used for intensive cropping. Irrigation.renovation of ponds projects undertaken. Kharif preparedness
S NoFertilizerJune JulyAugust0September 1Urea D.A.P Mixture S. S. P Potash Requirement & Strategy for Fertiliser Consumption Propositioning of fertilizers during peak season to avoid black marketing [State Plan Scheme] Promotion Soil Testing based nutrient application [Soil Health Card Scheme] Awareness to increase in use of phosphatic fertilizers through promotion of SSP (Single Super Phosphate) [ATMA Programme] Promote the programmes with micronutrients subsidy (NFSM/NMOOP/BGREI) Promotion of Sulphur based fertilizer. Use of Neem coated Urea.
KRISHI MAHOTSAV RATH YATRA-2015 Krishi Mahotsav Rath Yatra started in each districts from Extension of new technology & Govt. schemes among people Registration in farmers Portal Soil sampling & SHC distribution KCC distribution Kisan call centre publicity Scientist extention workers visit to villages Interactive discussion between farmers -scientist
Contingency Planning Contingency plan at district level prepared with scientists Preventive and contingent measures for different draught situations are ready: 1.Early onset and sudden stoppage of monsoon 2.late onset, upland not covered till mid –July 3.Transplanting of rice delayed/seedling over aged 4.Transplanted rice affected at early vegetative stage 5.Late season draught (16-31 oct) Advisory for these will be propagated by ATMA and other extension workers, audio-visual aids
1.Early onset and sudden stoppage of monsoon Diversified land use with non paddy crops in upland Rain water management through in-situ conservation & water harvesting Maize, Arhar, Black gram, G nut,Ragi etc encouraged Arhar and Maize based intercropping DSR by sprouted seed
2.late onset, upland not covered till mid –July Sowing of stress tolerant non-paddy crops Kulthi, Maize, Ragi, Urd, Arhar cultivation encouraged Maize, Niger based intercropping adoption Vegetables like tomato, cauliflower, radish, brinjal promoted Rain water management through in-situ conservation & water harvesting
3.Transplanting of rice delayed/seedling over aged Seedlings upto days can be used in medium and late duration varieties Close transplanting using 5-7 seedling/hill Nitrogen application reduced at transplanting Maintain nursery by life saving irrigation Niger, Tori, Kulthi can be cultivated
4.Transplanted rice affected at early vegetative stage Provide protective irrigation Control blast in nursery Withhold N application Apply Potassic fert. If moisture allows Check seepage loss
5.Late season draught (16-31 oct) Provide protective irrigation at critical stages Cowpea, maize, green gram may be harvested for fodder purpose Pre rabi crops horsegram,niger,castor can be grown Preposition of seeds of rabi crops
Crop Wise Variety Wise Seed required for seed contingency plan Sl. No.CropVarietyQuantity (in Qtls) 1PaddyVandana, BDV-108, BVD-109 BVD-110 Sahbhagi, Lalat, Navin Abhishek MaizeHQPM-1 Birsa Vikas Makka-1 Suwan Composite (Forage & Grain) GPU-28 African Tall (Forage) RagiA JowarCSV
Crop Wise Variety Wise Seed required for seed contingency plan Sl. No.CropVarietyQuantity (in Qtls) 5BajraASG-3,20 6UradT-9, Pant U-19, Birsa Urad MoongPusa Vishal, Pant Moong-4, SML ArharBirsa Arhar-1, Laxmi, Bahar, ICPM NizerBirsa Nizer-1, N KulthiBirsa Kulthi-1, Madhu CowpeaUPC-622 (Forage & Grain) Swarna Harita (Forage & Grain) ---
Mid Season Drought (August-September) Sl. No.CropVarietyQuantity ( in Qtls) 1ToriPT-303, Panchali T Crop Wise Variety Wise Seed required for seed contingency plan
Contingency Plan Monitoring Kharif workshop at state level organized State level task force meeting under chairmanship of Development Commissioner District level weekly task force meeting from 15 June. Control Room at state and district level being formed Regular advisory through print &visual media will be given timely