October 2009 From the American People…
Total U.S. Assistance to Serbia from : $716 Million (USAID: $545 million) Mission Statement: USAID programs seek to support Serbia (and Montenegro) in their goals of being democratic, prosperous, and moving towards Euro-Atlantic integration. The Strategy: Adopts an innovative approach that integrates key democracy and economic growth components Promotes fundamental changes in governance, institutions, human capacity and economic structures; Based on close cooperation between USAID and national and local governments, civil society organizations, associations and private companies Activities coordinated with partners & other donors to avoid overlap and ensure maximum impact.
Total U.S. Assistance 2009: $46.5m (USAID $37.9m) Programs: Democracy & Governance Civil Society Advocacy Initiative Political Processes Media Assistance Program Separation of Powers Program Economic Growth Agribusiness Project Competitiveness Project Municipal Economic Growth Activity Bankruptcy and Enforcement Strengthening Serbia Economic Growth Activity Contingency Planning and Economic Security Program Cross Cutting Initiatives
Democracy and Governance Areas of intervention Supporting civil society as a true voice of the people in advocating for important issues Helping independent media outlets and media organizations become more self-sufficient and professional Increased dialogue between citizens and their elected representatives Key results: Support to over 160 civil society organizations for important initiatives in Corporate Social Responsibility, Freedom of Information, and Environmental Awareness More independent, professional, and financially viable media outlets and media associations. The regulatory environment now better supports the development of e-media. Over 2,000 media professionals received training through USAID programs.
Which of these do you think is the most important for the future of Serbia? Source: Strategic Marketing Survey, September 2009
What do you think is the priority in your municipality / city? Source: Strategic Marketing Survey, September 2009
Global Competitiveness Report : Serbia (Composite ranking of 93 of 133 countries) (Note that Serbia is a WEF “Stage 2” country, “efficiency-driven,” after which it will transition to a “Stage 3” country, “innovation-driven”) Disadvantages: Public Institutions: Government Inefficiency (118) Burden of Government Regulation (129) Burden of Government Regulation (129) Efficiency of Legal System in Settling Disputes (124) Efficiency of Legal System in Settling Disputes (124) Private Institutions: Accountability (123) Competition: Domestic Competition (118) Technological Readiness: Firm-level Technology Absorption (125) Domestic Market Size: Exports as Percentage of GDP (116) Advantages: Health: Infant Mortality (46) Quality of Education: Quality of Math and Science Education (43) Competition: Total Tax Rate (37) Specific Infrastructure: Telephone Lines (38)
Areas of Intervention: A legal and policy environment that promotes economic growth The capacity of key institutions to implement and enforce economic reforms The capability of local authorities to stimulate local economic development Helping businesses identify and successfully enter new markets The competitiveness of Serbian products and services in key sectors by introducing best practices and raising product/service standards to internationally acceptable levels Assisting Serbian agribusinesses “from field to fork” to get maximum returns from their labor and increase exports Economic Growth
Economic Growth Development Key results: In the last 2 years, municipalities in USAID’s Municipal Economic Growth Activity attracted over 800m Euro in investments and created over 11,000 jobs by becoming more business friendly; Commercial Courts were made more efficient and transparent by introducing a Case Management System in all Commercial Courts. Case backlogs have been cut drastically. Projects helped introduce: VAT; private pensions; investment funds; a sound insurance industry, bankruptcy and enforcement and modern payment systems. In 2 ½ years, the Agribusiness Project has helped Serbian companies to 91 million in export contracts (signed or under negotiation) The Competitiveness Project has helped raise the profile of Serbia as a destination for film production (with a Ralph Fiennes directed production to begin filming in 2010) and helped attract $40m in investments and exports
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