Introduction to Performance Measurement for Senior Corps Project STAR Support and Training for Assessing Results Recorded 9/10/2007
Introduction to Performance Measurement for Senior Corps 2 This tutorial covers: 1.Performance Measurement Defined 2.Uses of Performance Measurement 3.Requirements for Impact Work Plans 4.Work Plan Overview 5.Defining Results: Output, Intermediate Outcome, End Outcome 6.Examples of Results for RSVP, Foster Grandparents, and Senior Companions 7.Additional Resources
Introduction to Performance Measurement for Senior Corps 3 What is Performance Measurement? Process of regularly measuring the results produced by your project. Performance measurement allows you to track the amount of work done by your project (outputs) and the impact of this work on the people your volunteers serve (outcomes). Collect data to measure progress towards meeting project objectives.
Introduction to Performance Measurement for Senior Corps 4 What is Performance Measurement? 1.Planning for performance measurement Developing work plans that identify project activities and what you will measure to gauge project success 2.Developing instruments Identifying existing instruments or developing your own instruments to collect raw data on the people you serve 3.Collecting data Going out and collecting raw data on program beneficiaries 4.Analyzing data Summarizing raw data as totals and percentages to address performance measurement targets 5.Reporting results Writing up project results and telling your story
Introduction to Performance Measurement for Senior Corps 5 Uses of Performance Measurement Internal program assessment and improvement Fundraising Communicating with stakeholders Project monitoring and technical assistance Corporation reports and publications
Introduction to Performance Measurement for Senior Corps 6 Requirements for Impact Work Plans Label 3 to 5 results as performance measures in 1 to 2 impact-based work plans. Output Intermediate Outcome End Outcome Identify indicators, targets, and how measured for each performance measure. Account for all enrolled volunteers in work plans.
7 Impact Work Plan Overview Issue Area: Menu Service Category: Menu Stations: # Volunteers: # People Served: # Community Need: Text Action Plan Service Activities: Text Anticipated Inputs: Text Anticipated Accomplishments / Outputs Description of Result: Text Planned Period of Accomplishment: Text Indicator: Text Target: # or % How Measured: Text Description of Data Collection Process: Text Anticipated Intermediate Impact / Outcome Description of Result: Text Planned Period of Accomplishment: Text Indicator: Text Target: # or % How Measured: Text Description of Data Collection Process: Text Anticipated End Impact / Outcome Description of Result: Text Planned Period of Accomplishment: Text Indicator: Text Target: # or % How Measured: Text Description of Data Collection Process: Text
8 Impact Work Plan Overview Description of Result: Text Planned Period of Accomplishment: Text Indicator: Text Target: # or % How Measured: Text Description of Data Collection Process: Text Anticipated End Impact / Outcome Description of Result: Text Planned Period of Accomplishment: Text Indicator: Text Target: # or % How Measured: Text Description of Data Collection Process: Text Anticipated Intermediate Impact / Outcome Description of Result: Text Planned Period of Accomplishment: Text Indicator: Text Target: # or % How Measured: Text Description of Data Collection Process: Text Anticipated Accomplishments / Outputs Service Activities: Text Anticipated Inputs: Text Action Plan Issue Area: Menu Service Category: Menu Stations: # Volunteers: # People Served: # Select issue area and service category from drop-down menus.
9 Impact Work Plan Overview Description of Result: Text Planned Period of Accomplishment: Text Indicator: Text Target: # or % How Measured: Text Description of Data Collection Process: Text Anticipated End Impact / Outcome Description of Result: Text Planned Period of Accomplishment: Text Indicator: Text Target: # or % How Measured: Text Description of Data Collection Process: Text Anticipated Intermediate Impact / Outcome Description of Result: Text Planned Period of Accomplishment: Text Indicator: Text Target: # or % How Measured: Text Description of Data Collection Process: Text Anticipated Accomplishments / Outputs Service Activities: Text Anticipated Inputs: Text Issue Area: Menu Service Category: Menu Stations: # Volunteers: # People Served: # Community Need: Text Describe unmet needs of your community.
10 Target: # or % How Measured: Text Description of Data Collection Process: Text Impact Work Plan Overview Description of Result: Text Planned Period of Accomplishment: Text Indicator: Text Target: # or % How Measured: Text Description of Data Collection Process: Text Anticipated End Impact / Outcome Description of Result: Text Planned Period of Accomplishment: Text Indicator: Text Target: # or % How Measured: Text Description of Data Collection Process: Text Anticipated Intermediate Impact / Outcome Anticipated Accomplishments / Outputs Action Plan Community Need: Text Issue Area: Menu Service Category: Menu Stations: # Volunteers: # People Served: # Service Activities: Text Anticipated Inputs: Text Action Plan Describe what your Senior Corps volunteers will do (who, what, where, when, how).
11 Target: # or % How Measured: Text Description of Data Collection Process: Text Impact Work Plan Overview Description of Result: Text Planned Period of Accomplishment: Text Indicator: Text Target: # or % How Measured: Text Description of Data Collection Process: Text Anticipated End Impact / Outcome Description of Result: Text Planned Period of Accomplishment: Text Indicator: Text Target: # or % How Measured: Text Description of Data Collection Process: Text Anticipated Intermediate Impact / Outcome Anticipated Accomplishments / Outputs Action Plan Community Need: Text Issue Area: Menu Service Category: Menu Stations: # Volunteers: # People Served: # Service Activities: Text Anticipated Inputs: Text Action Plan Resources used in service effort: volunteer hours, training, stipends, etc.
12 Impact Work Plan Overview Issue Area: Menu Service Category: Menu Stations: # Volunteers: # People Served: # Community Need: Text Action Plan Service Activities: Text Anticipated Inputs: Text Anticipated Accomplishments / Outputs Description of Result: Text Planned Period of Accomplishment: Text Indicator: Text Target: # or % How Measured: Text Description of Data Collection Process: Text Anticipated Intermediate Impact / Outcome Description of Result: Text Planned Period of Accomplishment: Text Indicator: Text Target: # or % How Measured: Text Description of Data Collection Process: Text Anticipated End Impact / Outcome Description of Result: Text Planned Period of Accomplishment: Text Indicator: Text Target: # or % How Measured: Text Description of Data Collection Process: Text Anticipated Accomplishments / Outputs Outputs are counts of the amount of service volunteers will complete. Outputs do not provide information on benefits or changes in the lives of volunteers or other beneficiaries.
13 Impact Work Plan Overview Issue Area: Menu Service Category: Menu Stations: # Volunteers: # People Served: # Community Need: Text Action Plan Service Activities: Text Anticipated Inputs: Text Anticipated Accomplishments / Outputs Description of Result: Text Planned Period of Accomplishment: Text Indicator: Text Target: # or % How Measured: Text Description of Data Collection Process: Text Anticipated Intermediate Impact / Outcome Description of Result: Text Planned Period of Accomplishment: Text Indicator: Text Target: # or % How Measured: Text Description of Data Collection Process: Text Anticipated End Impact / Outcome Description of Result: Text Planned Period of Accomplishment: Text Indicator: Text Target: # or % How Measured: Text Description of Data Collection Process: Text Anticipated Intermediate Impact / Outcome An Intermediate Outcome specifies a change that has occurred in the lives of volunteers or other beneficiaries, but is short of a significant benefit for them.
14 Impact Work Plan Overview Issue Area: Menu Service Category: Menu Stations: # Volunteers: # People Served: # Community Need: Text Action Plan Service Activities: Text Anticipated Inputs: Text Anticipated Accomplishments / Outputs Description of Result: Text Planned Period of Accomplishment: Text Indicator: Text Target: # or % How Measured: Text Description of Data Collection Process: Text Anticipated Intermediate Impact / Outcome Description of Result: Text Planned Period of Accomplishment: Text Indicator: Text Target: # or % How Measured: Text Description of Data Collection Process: Text Anticipated End Impact / Outcome Description of Result: Text Planned Period of Accomplishment: Text Indicator: Text Target: # or % How Measured: Text Description of Data Collection Process: Text Anticipated End Impact / Outcome An End Outcome specifies a change that has occurred in the lives of volunteers or other beneficiaries that is significant.
15 Impact Work Plan Overview Description of Result: Text Planned Period of Accomplishment: Text Indicator: Text Target: # or % How Measured: Text Description of Data Collection Process: Text Anticipated End Impact / Outcome Description of Result: Text Planned Period of Accomplishment: Text Indicator: Text Target: # or % How Measured: Text Description of Data Collection Process: Text Anticipated Intermediate Impact / Outcome Description of Result: Text Planned Period of Accomplishment: Text Indicator: Text Target: # or % How Measured: Text Description of Data Collection Process: Text Anticipated Accomplishments / Outputs Service Activities: Text Anticipated Inputs: Text Action Plan Community Need: Text Issue Area: Menu Service Category: Menu Stations: # Volunteers: # People Served: # Description of Result: Text Planned Period of Accomplishment: Text Indicator: Text Target: # or % How Measured: Text Description of Data Collection Process: Text
Introduction to Performance Measurement for Senior Corps 16 Anticipated Results Examples for Senior Corps The examples you are about to see do not show complete work plans. Instead, they show the service activity and the anticipated results: - output - intermediate outcome - end outcome
Introduction to Performance Measurement for Senior Corps 17 Project STAR Online Resources Go to Search: work plan library Search: senior corps tutorials Search: senior corps toolkit
Introduction to Performance Measurement for Senior Corps 18 Intermediate Outcomes and End Outcomes: Rules of Thumb Intermediate outcomes: Changes in state of mind Increased knowledge Increased awareness Improved attitudes End outcomes: Outwardly observable changes Demonstrate new skills Improved behavior Improved conditions End outcomes address community need
19 Anticipated ResultsRSVP Example Service Activities: 115 RSVP volunteers will lead Bone Builder Exercise classes for seniors. Intermediate Outcome: 75 percent of seniors who attend at least 25 sessions will increase arm and/or leg strength by 20 percent. Output: 700 seniors will participate in at least 25 Bone Builder Exercise sessions led by RSVP volunteers. End Outcome: 67 percent of seniors who attend at least 25 sessions will increase bone density by 3 percent from pretest to posttest.
20 Anticipated ResultsFGP Example Service Activities: 35 Foster Grandparents will tutor elementary school students in reading skills. Intermediate Outcome: 80 percent of tutored students will improve attitudes towards reading by 10 points from pretest to posttest. Output: 70 elementary school students will receive at least 30 hours of tutoring in reading skills. End Outcome: 70 percent of tutored students will achieve a passing score on the reading skills assessment.
21 Anticipated ResultsSCP Example Service Activities: 10 Senior Companions will provide respite services to caregivers who look after home- bound elders. Intermediate Outcome: 60 percent of caregivers will maintain or improve their emotional and physical health. Output: 40 caregivers will receive weekly respite assistance for at least 16 weeks. End Outcome: 60 percent of caregivers will be able to continue providing care to homebound elders for at least the next 6 months.
22 For Further Assistance: Contact your Corporation State Office Contact Project STAR Phone: Web: (search: project star) Project STAR Support and Training for Assessing Results Project STAR Support and Training for Assessing Results