Israel 101
FORGETFUL of God’s Nature & Blessings Faith wavers
FORGETFUL of God’s Nature & Blessings DISCONTENT Bitter “Grumbling” Faith wavers
FORGETFUL of God’s Nature & Blessings DISCONTENT Bitter “Grumbling” REBELLION Sin seems reasonable Idolatry Faith wavers Door to temptation opens
FORGETFUL of God’s Nature & Blessings DISCONTENT Bitter “Grumbling” REBELLION Sin seems reasonable Idolatry CONSEQUENCE Pain, Discipline, Judgment, Exile Faith wavers Door to temptation opens
How do we remember?
FORGETFUL of God’s Nature & Blessings DISCONTENT Bitter “Grumbling” REBELLION Sin seems reasonable Idolatry CONSEQUENCE Pain, Discipline, Judgment, Exile Faith wavers Door to temptation opens Practice Gratitude
How do we remember?
FORGETFUL of God’s Nature & Blessings DISCONTENT Bitter “Grumbling” REBELLION Sin seems reasonable Idolatry CONSEQUENCE Pain, Discipline, Judgment, Exile Faith wavers Door to temptation opens Practice Gratitude Practice Confession
REMEMBER God’s Nature & Blessings Practice Gratitude
REMEMBER God’s Nature & Blessings CONTENT Joyful Strengthens faith Practice Gratitude
REMEMBER God’s Nature & Blessings CONTENT Joyful FAITHFUL Fruitful Strengthens faith Encourages obedience Practice Gratitude
REMEMBER God’s Nature & Blessings CONTENT Joyful FAITHFUL Fruitful BLESSING Strengthens faith Encourages obedience Practice Gratitude