Assessment of Weather, Climate and Water Service Capacity in Jordan and Lebanon WMO; Name of Department (ND)


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Presentation transcript:

Assessment of Weather, Climate and Water Service Capacity in Jordan and Lebanon WMO; Name of Department (ND)

Current institutional arrangements and capacities for the provision of meteorological, hydrological and climatological services in the targeted countries, including

National legislative and regulatory framework that determines responsibilities for the mentioned services JMD: Strong backup from government. enjoys national recognition and trust …authorized to collect charges… working on new legislation to give more freedom

National agencies responsible for the provision of serviceates (starting with the National Meteorological Service (NMS), and their position in the administration JMD is main service provider A few measurements by other agencies (ag.. water …) Attempts by private sector to compete …. Charges are collected through published tariff designed by JMD itself Capacity development to compete private sector

Linkages with main users and stakeholders – civil protection agencies, sector ministries (transport, environment, agriculture, etc). Independent agencies, Linkages: Gentlemen’s agreement-type, Personal-oriented arrangements, Needs higher authorities interference (occasional), very often One Way Love Need aggressive institutional arrangements

Current technical capacities

Observing networks synoptic, climatological, upper-air, hydrological, etc. 27 synoptic stations, insufficient coverage, bias geographic distribution of stations, complete routine measurements, absence of non-routine measurements (radiation short and long waves..subsoil, chemistry… needs wider coverage & diversification

Methods for data collecting and processing; manned measurements systems prevailing, manual collection and transmission (phone lines), some stations use AVPN.. needs improvement modernized

Forecasting and warning capabilities adequate: access to NWP products and satellite imagery, GTS and other systems, always need strengthening, training of staff

Climatological data and records old records:1922, all numbers digitized, some charts needs digitizing, Processing of climate data: Jordan Climate Data Management System (CMD) Oracle based (9i). needs modernization

Research capabilities. Needs activation

Quality control. What procedures and infrastructures for quality control are available and in proper use? (experiences show that especially in transboundary cooperation the accuracy/reliability/comparability of data and info rmation play an important role for water resources management) Manual inspection, electronic filters: ISO Certification on progress. Needs capacity building in data processing, statistics

International obligations

Existing arrangements for regular exchange of meteorological and hydrological data meet all international obligation, answers requests from WMO and Members radiosond launch ??

Identification and analysis of key cooperation issues for the future; Compliance with international standards established by WMO, ICAO and other standard-making bodies. ISO Certification on progress. MOUs with stake holders done Recent limitation on staff travel due to financial hardships

How the issues related to disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation are being addressed

Availability of the requisite elements of early warning system; forecasting systems are available, needs more training: Technical, media interaction. Weather Radar needed

Working arrangements with disaster management agencies Storms: 4-5 days lead time warnings issued. Flash floods: limited monitoring capabilities Drought : routine agrometeorology bulletins issued: no long term indicators published. Limited cooperation existed Hard core technical capacity building needed, Institutional DRR systems needed

Emergency and contingency planning. Archived data need to be protected

Emergency and contingency planning Archived data need to be protected

Management and administration: Human resources – availability and needs; leakage, training Education and training; in-house training (Met Training Center). Needs: degrees fellowship, short term training: NWP and forecasting techniques, satellite meteorology, statistics, instrumentation, climate change impacts, Strategic Planning; within government and along WMO and RA IV Plans, always limited with availability of funding Quality Management; on progress Socio-economic benefits. Not addreesses ???.

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