Church Fellowship a Bible study course for adults By Professor John F. Brug PowerPoint: Angi Kinsley, Pastor Mark A. Cordes New Life Evangelical Lutheran Church Shoreview, Minnesota
Church Fellowship Lesson Seven The Practice of Fellowship II Situations Dealing with Our Own Services
Goals 1. To apply the principles of church fellowship to some difficult cases. 2. To learn to apply the principles evangelically.
The Practice of Fellowship II Opening Prayer Opening Prayer
Introduction and Review The most basic purpose behind the principles of church fellowship: They serve the good of people’s souls by protecting them from false teaching. They serve the good of people’s souls by protecting them from false teaching.
Introduction and Review Four goals for helping souls: 1. Warn errorist of danger to his faith. 2. Warn others against the danger of his error.
…Four goals for helping souls: 3. Avoid giving false impression –We go along with his errors. –We think his errors no big deal. 4. Protect ourselves from the errors of false teaching.
Introduction and Review Underlying these four goals is… Love for God’s Word Love for God’s Wordand Love for all who are endangered by false teaching. Love for all who are endangered by false teaching.
Hard cases: situations dealing with our own worship services Closed Communion Closed Communion The practice of giving Communion only to members of our congregations and of other congregations in fellowship with us.
Hard cases: Closed Communion Koinwnia Koinwnia –1 Corinthians 10:16f “common-union” “common-union” –1 Corinthians 11:25-29 requirements requirements
Hard cases: Closed Communion 1. Communicants must believe in _____. (11:25,26) 2. They must be _____. (11:27) 3. They must be able to examine _____. (11:28)
Hard cases: Closed Communion 4. Communicants must recognize the presence of Christ’s ______ in the Sacrament. (11:29) 5. They must be united with us in _____, so we can be “one body” as we attend the Lord’s Supper together. (10:16,17)
Hard cases: Closed Communion The word communion does not refer only to “participation” in the body and blood of Christ, which are united with the bread and wine. The word communion does not refer only to “participation” in the body and blood of Christ, which are united with the bread and wine.
Three “common-unions” 1. The body and blood of Christ is in “common-union” with the bread and wine. 2. Participants are in “common- union” with God through faith. 3. Participants are in “common- union” with all the others who attend Lord’s Supper.
Why do we exclude some people from Communion? To protect them from judgment on “unworthy” reception. To protect them from judgment on “unworthy” reception. LOVE for neighbor LOVE for neighbor To give clear testimony to the importance of agreement in all doctrines of God’s Word. To give clear testimony to the importance of agreement in all doctrines of God’s Word. LOVE for God LOVE for God
Hard cases: Closed Communion How can we help prevent misunderstanding? How can we help prevent misunderstanding? –Patient, ongoing instruction about Lord’s Supper –Review church fellowship. –Explain to visitors before they come to our church.
Hard cases: Closed Communion How can we help prevent misunderstanding…? How can we help prevent misunderstanding…? –Provide clear, carefully worded announcements in the bulletin and during the service. –Have the pastor or greeters on hand to offer an explanation.
Any exceptions to our practice? Jesus recognized exceptions for the sake of mercy. Jesus recognized exceptions for the sake of mercy. Regulations were made for man’s good, not man for regulations. Regulations were made for man’s good, not man for regulations. Mark 2:27 Mark 2:27 Church Fellowship, p. 119 Church Fellowship, p. 119
Danger in allowing / not allowing exceptions People try to use exceptions to undermine the principle. People try to use exceptions to undermine the principle. Refusing to recognize any exceptional cases, can lead to legalistic applications that set aside the need for mercy. Refusing to recognize any exceptional cases, can lead to legalistic applications that set aside the need for mercy.
Exceptions: Closed Communion What should the pastor do in exceptional cases? What should the pastor do in exceptional cases? –Explain the situation to the church council or to others who might be confused or offended by the situation.
Exceptions: Closed Communion What unusual circumstance might call for an exception to our normal practice of communing only our own members? What unusual circumstance might call for an exception to our normal practice of communing only our own members?
Hard cases: Funerals Why do we normally provide a Christian burial only for members? Why do we normally provide a Christian burial only for members? –To comfort survivors, a Christian funeral points to evidence of the deceased’s faith: 1. Christian life – We witnessed. 2. Confession – We heard.
Hard cases: Funerals If we know unchurched friends or relatives will not be able to have a Christian burial when they die, what should we do? If we know unchurched friends or relatives will not be able to have a Christian burial when they die, what should we do? –Share the gospel with them while they are still alive. –Ask Pastor to put them on our evangelism list.
Hard cases: Funerals What might be an exception to our normal practice of burying only our own members? What might be an exception to our normal practice of burying only our own members? –A nonmember confessed his faith, but died before he could become a member.
Hard cases: Participation in Services Why do we allow…? nonmembers to attend our worship services?
Hard cases: Participation in Services Fellowship principles guard people against error.
Hard cases: Participation in Services They are not meant to keep anyone from hearing the truth. (Brug, pp )
Hard cases: Choir and Musicians Why don’t we allow nonmembers to serve in choir or as musicians? Why don’t we allow nonmembers to serve in choir or as musicians? –We regard these as church offices expressing our faith. –Musicians are congregational representatives. (Brug, p. 127) (Brug, p. 127)
Hard cases: Musicians for Weddings and Funerals What is our goal in choosing musicians for special services? What is our goal in choosing musicians for special services? –Give clear testimony of our love for the truth. (Brug, pp.128f) Love friends and relatives by showing that love for God’s Word is more important than our personal feelings. Love friends and relatives by showing that love for God’s Word is more important than our personal feelings.
Hard cases: Musicians for Weddings and Funerals How can we help prevent hurt feelings choosing musicians? How can we help prevent hurt feelings choosing musicians? –Review the worship purpose of weddings and funerals. (Brug, pp ) –Ask Pastor first before lining up soloists and musicians.
Hard cases: Children Singers Why do we usually allow nonmember students to sing with classmates in our services? Why do we usually allow nonmember students to sing with classmates in our services? –We regard them as learners accepting our instruction. Jeremiah 15:19 Jeremiah 15:19 John 6:37 John 6:37
Hard cases: Children Singers When would we not allow nonmember students to sing with their classmates? When would we not allow nonmember students to sing with their classmates? –If they and their parents clearly reject our doctrine and regard their participation as fellowship without agreement.
Hard cases: Sponsors / Witnesses Can non-WELS or non-ELS members serve as sponsors? Can non-WELS or non-ELS members serve as sponsors? –Sponsors must promise to teach the doctrine of the church if the parents die. –They must know and accept it, i.e., be in fellowship with it.
Hard cases: Sponsors / Witnesses What is the difference between sponsors and witnesses? What is the difference between sponsors and witnesses? –Witnesses simply testify that an act has been performed. –Witnesses do not promise to raise the child in the teachings of the church.
Hard cases: Receiving Gifts What principles guide reception of gifts from nonmembers? What principles guide reception of gifts from nonmembers? –Donations are not to be used for trying to earn God’s favor. –Outside gifts should not… Hurt stewardship Hurt stewardship Endorse fellowship with error Endorse fellowship with error
Hard cases: Main Concern… What is our chief concern in all the situations we have been discussing? What is our chief concern in all the situations we have been discussing? –We want to give clear testimony to the truth… out of love… out of love… in a loving manner. in a loving manner.
Summary In this lesson we studied some areas of congregational life where Christians need to apply church fellowship principles. Possible exceptions involve two or more principles of Scripture. Yet we want to faithfully and clearly testify to the truth of God’s Word. In this lesson we studied some areas of congregational life where Christians need to apply church fellowship principles. Possible exceptions involve two or more principles of Scripture. Yet we want to faithfully and clearly testify to the truth of God’s Word.
Closing Prayer Lord, you gave the principles of church fellowship for our good. Help us apply these principles with loving firmness, testifying clearly to the whole truth of your Word. Strengthen us to always obey your Word above feelings and friendships – never against, but always for the truth. Amen.
During the week Read Church Fellowship, Brug, pp Read Church Fellowship, Brug, pp