Fellowship “Weighing Out” Scale
The Invisible Church “The Lord looks at the heart” The Holy Christian Church Only God can look into a person’s heart to see if there is faith in Christ. All who truly believe are invisible to us.
The Visible Church Churches (Synods) When we humans see people gather into churches or synods, we can only examine what “comes out” of the heart (by looking at what they say and what they do).
Test the spirits to see if they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. (1 John 4:1) This testing, like a weighing out on scales, is commanded by God for our good, and the good of others.
How does God want us to test what we humans observe in others?
We humans look at what is confessed (the books) and what is done (the hands). ? ?? ?
This weighing out process is called “church fellowship.” How does what a church teaches… … match with the Bible?
In the “weighing out” process of Church Fellowship, a ball that represents our faith sharing actions will role to one side or the other. Our Faith-Sharing actions
Worship Communion Prayer Offerings Our faith sharing actions are to used with some Christians, and not used with other Christians.
+ If a Christian person or group shows that what they believe and how they act matches with Scripture, the ball roles to the “ + “ side, meaning that we practice fellowship with him / them.
_ If a Christian person or group shows that what they believe and how they act does NOT match with Scripture, the ball roles to the “ - “ side, meaning that we do NOT practice fellowship with him / them.
+ _ Rom 15:1-5 16: :1-2 Church Fellowship is taught throughout Scripture and Scripture gives many examples. The Book of Romans, for example, presents these teachings. These teachings are summarized in the following frames.
+ _ Rom 15:1-5 16:17-18 Bear with weak Build up faith By teaching for faith-unity. Watch out! Divisions? Contrary? Keep away!
+ _ Rom 15:1-5 16:17-18 Fulcrum: 12:1-2 Bear HugStand back God’s mercy moves me! Fellowship is a weighing tool, not rules.
+ _ Bear Hug Stand back God’s Mercy Moves us. If weak & willing to learn: If promoting, defending error: Fellowship is a weighing tool, not rules. Worship Communion Prayer Offerings Printable Slide
+ _ ____ God’s _________ Moves us. If w____& willing to l______: If P________, d________ error: Fellowship is a w_____ tool, not r____. W____ C________ P_____ O_______ Print off and fill in the blanks to test yourself.