TEMPLATE PAGE What is Spectrum? What does Spectrum offer? How can it help you? How to get started Resources available
RED PAGE Spectrum is a network which encourages and resources small groups to study faith and explore in depth It has developed from FK the Fellowship of the Kingdom that encouraged the fellowship of ordained ministers to gather into small groups for study and support What is Spectrum?
RED PAGE Spectrum is ecumenical and inclusive. Spectrum is not a pressure group and encourages diverse understandings of faith and theology. Spectrum encourages engagement with challenging issues and deepening of faith. What is Spectrum?
RED PAGE Spectrum aims to enable people to engage in deep thought on biblical, theological, ethical and pastoral issues, drawing on our practice of Christian living, leading to a deepening spirituality within a fellowship of caring, without being confined to any one theological perspective. Spectrum Mission Statement
RED PAGE Study – Encourages study in small groups or personally Prayer- Encourages people to gather for prayer Exploration – Encourages exploration of faith Community – Encourages support for one another Theology – Encourages a diversity of theologies Reflection - Encourages people to reflect on their faith Understanding – Encourages a deepening of faith Motivation – Encourages people to move on in their discipleship What does Spectrum stand for?
ORANGE PAGE Explore – An annual, easy to use study paper in six parts for use personally or in small groups. Engage – A magazine published 3 times a year on issues of faith and life along with book reviews and articles from Spectrum members. Reflect – An annual Conference with inspirational speakers exploring in depth an issue that is developed into the Explore study material. Website – Copies of previous materials, resources, Spectrum co-ordinating group details and a chance to join in an on line Spectrum group. Joining over 1,200 Christians exploring faith What does spectrum offer?
YELLOW PAGE Offer support for you in setting up a small group. Encourage you in continued development and learning. Help set up a study group in your Church, with Ministers, Local preachers, Worship Leaders, Lay Workers, Church Members, Students, etc. Point you to a group in your area. How can it help you?
LIGHT GREEN PAGE Get a CD Pack with presentation and other materials including membership forms. Membership includes the Engage Magazine, Explore study resource and information about the Reflect Conference. Register your group with the groups co-ordinator. How to get started
BLUE PAGE Explore group material for 6 sessions per year for Autumn / Winter meetings Engage magazine published Feb / July / Nov Reflect – Annual Conference meeting in May Website: CD Pack Publicity materials Resources Available