Regional Forum on Environment and Health in Southeast and East Asian Countries HomeGovernancePolicy documentsScientific panelThematic working groupsKnowledge networkCountry profiles Thematic working groups The thematic working groups (TWG) were established to deal with seven prioritized issues. Representatives from the private sector, academe, civil society, regional centres, institutions, and other regional and global initiatives tackling a particular priority issue may also be invited to become part of the TWG. The thematic working groups have work plans for dealing with their specific issues and are responsible for: (i) knowledge management; (ii) progress reporting; (iii) coordination and advocacy; and (iv) resource mobilization. The seven thematic working groups of the Regional Forum are: Air Quality Climate Change, ozone depletion and ecosystem changes Contingency planning, preparedness and response in environmental health emergencies Health impact assessment Solid and hazardous waste Toxic chemicals and hazardous substances Water, sanitation and hygiene In addressing these priorities, countries can be guided by the following criteria: (i) areas where environmental conditions create or tend to create the greatest burden on disease and mortality; (ii) emerging significant risks where impact information may not yet be fully available; (iii) vulnerable population groups; and (iv) environmental management systems under the threat of deterioration due to aging and environmental degradation. The importance of multisectoral planning and community mobilization should be kept in mind. The adoption of healthy lifestyles and other preventive measures should be underscored. The need for joint efforts and regional and international cooperation should be acknowledged. Capacity building, information dissemination, education, training and further studies should be promoted. Member countries The Regional Forum The general objective of this regional initiative is to effectively deal with the environmental health problems within countries and among themselves by increasing the capacity of Southeast and East Asian countries on environmental health management. It aims to strengthen the cooperation of the ministries responsible for environment and health within the countries and across the region by providing a mechanism for sharing knowledge and experiences, improving policy and regulatory frameworks at the national and regional level, and promoting the implementation of integrated environmental health strategies and regulations. more
Ministerial meetings High-level officials meetings Members directory Highlights & updates Extraordinary High-Level Officials Meeting of the Regional Forum on Environment and Health in Southeast and East Asian Countries, August 2014, Bangkok, Thailand. The ministerial meeting on environment and health represents the highest level of the Regional Forum. This meeting is held every three years, to decide on policy aspects of the Regional Forum. The first meeting was held in 2007 in Bangkok, Thailand and the second meeting in 2010 in Jeju, Republic of Korea. The third meeting was held in September 2013 in Malaysia. The high-level officials meeting is comprised of officials of the ministries of health and ministries of environment. This meeting is held every 18 months to discuss policy matters of the Regional Forum before they are presented at the ministerial meeting. Contacts usRegional Forum linksWHO linksUNEP links Secretariat Europe South-East Asia UNEP ROAP Western Pacific WHO SEARO WHO WPRO Brunei Darussalam Cambodia China, People’s Republic of Indonesia Japan Lao People’ Democratic Republic Malaysia Mongolia Myanmar Philippines Republic of Korea Singapore Thailand Viet Nam