2011 Monacan Chiefs
Things you need to know We are committed to being the best program at Monacan and in the Central Region Your responsibilities 1.Family 2.Faith 3.School 4.Team 5.Everything else
Things you need to know Expectations Perform at your best at all times Maintain your grades (F’s = No playing time) –Need to pass 5 classes in first semester to be eligible Model students –Good class behavior, no ISDs, no suspensions –Coaches will check with administrators before tryouts Fundraising Work hard
Things you need to know Program Goals Get better everyday District Tournament Regional Tournament State Tournament State Champs
Other Information Player packs $ /3 pair socks, Long Sleeve T, Short Sleeve T, Game warm up shirt, Shorts (new players only) Shin Guards Need NOSCAE Approved stamp based on height Need to show you have correct guards before playing
Preseason Schedule 1.Next Meeting – January 11 th 2.Preseason Conditioning You’re expected at conditioning if not playing a winter sport Conditioning will begin on Tuesday January 18 th. Conditioning will be Monday thru Thursday Must have a physical and insurance waiver, if necessary, to participate Athletes who have a physical on file for other sports do not need another physical Physical and waiver forms are available in the Main Office, Mr. Ferguson, Coach Hollingshead (143) or Coach Boehling (312) Attending and participating in Preseason conditioning doesn’t mean you are on the team 3.Practice Begins on Monday 2:30 All paperwork MUST be in before being eligible to practice No School that day, but we WILL practice Winter sport must be completed before practice