OPEN YOUR BOOK "Faith is at the core of extreme optimism and energy. Optimistic people don’t fall down any less than pessimists; they’re just quicker to get up. Optimists fall, get up, fall down again, get up, and continue forward with the same certainty they had at the beginning of the trajectory. While there may be bite-size chunks taken from the body armor, optimists still have their core confidence, and that’s what keeps them going. Core confidence is certainty, and that certainty comes from the core knowing, which in turn comes from faith." -Chapter Seven of Yes! Energy
HOW ARE YOU PERFORMING? Review of Week 3 homework, comments and questions. How did you react to the scenario as you walked through? – How did your past conversations develop? – Are you still honoring your old rules or did this inspire change? – How will your new conversation change your previous results?
R EDEFINING F AILURE Failure is an opportunity for review and adjustment, not an excuse for blame. Don’t make failure a catastrophe. Understand this is a chance to revisit your environment. Don’t “tuck in” or give up!
Y OUR I NNER S OURCE Faith is the center of all of your belief system and the source of optimism and creativity. Faith isn’t about religion or creed. Understand that there is something bigger than you. Use the source to create more GOOD beliefs.
WHY DO YOU NEED FAITH? We live in a time of science. Science has proof on its side. We can see that which we believe. Yet, at the same time, many of the most rational, logical scientific brains on this planet practice some form of religion. Even scientists admit that there is a gap between what they absolutely know and what they want to believe. That void is filled by faith. I live in this logic-based world. I’m analytical and give a lot of credence to the objective and the quantitative. But I also have an overwhelming desire to see that which I can’t prove. Of course, that’s faith in God. In my life, at the speed at which I go-go-go, I don’t believe I could be as calm as I am if I didn’t draw my energy from my faith. -Chapter Seven of Yes! Energy
T HE K NOWING C ORE This is separate from faith in that it is what is inside you as a result of your belief. Don’t source from a place of ego. When you source pure energy, the answer always becomes “Yes!” Avoid sourcing through ego.
L IVING IN Y OUR V ALUES What are you willing to stand up and fight for if it is taken away? Values are not your dreams, but a key part of your core knowing. Spend some time creating a list of all your values. Rank the top 5 in order of importance.
With each lesson, we are not just providing new content but we are also reinforcing or “grounding” in the previous areas. The next slide should tie in heavily to the conversations lesson – particularly as we are looking at external influences vs. internal influences. Most of the choices you have made are directly related to your internal influence, but there is obviously something that drew you to those conversations in the first place. The challenge is to progress through the process of identifying whether your current support system is based in your old values or in your new rules. You’ll want to return to this concept regularly to help create alignment in all areas, but this is a major example.
CERTAINTY VS. CHARISMA Many people in life “talk the talk,” but you must identify the difference. How do the people in your life live in their values? Can you name their top values? What made them a reputable source for you? Do their values align with yours?
NO GUARANTEES! The world is an uncertain and unpredictable place. Even the best risk-assessment and risk-management professionals, those who have statistics and probabilities down pat, know that there are single events that can blow apart any analytical estimate and send the world scrambling. Those who have certainty in their core can ride the currents. Unfortunately, many people don’t even know when they’re not leading their own lives. Although certainty is not control, the reality is that many people lose control because they are, in fact, uncertain. -Chapter Eight of Yes! Energy
D AILY C ONDITIONING Living in alignment with your values requires a daily commitment. Be rigorous and bust your old patterns. Keep your clarity sourced through faith and accept ONLY those values. People will be drawn to your values as you declare them.
C REATING A R OUTINE Your actions from start to finish each day are the path to success. Remove reactionary energy, especially at the beginning of the day. Lead your energy throughout the day based on your needs and values. Stay creative as challenges arise.
BE IN YOUR BEST ENERGY The right energy puts your best self into the best things in life. My connectivity is grounded in and sourced from conversation... with my kids, my friends, my colleagues, my clients, myself, and Spirit. When I’m onstage or in the middle of a large group, I open myself up to the vibrations around me and allow the energy to flow to and from me. I’m at my most pure and authentic when I’m a vessel for that energy, just letting it flow. -Chapter Nine of Yes! Energy
Where are you currently leading in your life? Where do you feel confident and in control? Where do you feel helpless? Where are others conflicting with your desires? What is your routine for success each day? Complete the values exercise in the Yes! Energy book.
PLEASE YOUR Questions To
PLEASE YOUR HOMEWORK TO: Note the Week # in the Subject Line Example: Yes Week 4 Homework And, don’t forget to create a file on your computer where you can save all of your work!