PSAC Local 901Budget Or: Where does the money come from and why does it go there?
Note: this presentation details the local’s budget, and as such, only reflects the finances of Unit 1 (TAs and TFs). The Unit 2 (Postdoctoral Fellows) collective agreement only came after the fiscal year started. Stay tuned for next year’s budget!
Income Where does this money come from ? Dues, Queen’s University, PSAC National
Income This income allows the union to operate, providing services to you, our members. Your dues, along with contributions that we bargained for in our collective agreement, makes this union work. Under the CBA that was active at the beginning of the fiscal year, $15,600 comes from the University to cover some of our costs, including the executive compensation.
General Expenses This is our day to day accounting Change
Projects and Committees In our bylaws, we have a number of committees. We allocate some of your dues to make sure these committees can work. Orientation was increased this year to put on bigger events and to make sure new members know how to find us Change
Projects and Committees We are always looking for new members to join these committees, especially the Steward’s Network, Health and Safety, and Social Justice! Get involved so you can see how we are making our dues work for you! Change
Office Supplies We’re spending a little less on supplies this year… Change
Unions Pay Dues, Too As a part of the Kingston labour community, we pay dues to the Kingston and District Labour Council and to the PSAC area council. Every union local contributes and it keeps us connected to our community outside of Queen’s too Change
Travel and Training We need to learn more about how unions better serve all of us, so we need to get training, too. This includes regional and national conferences as well as meetings with other PSAC locals in the Academic Sector. The more we know, the better we are Change
Special Funds For the past hew years, we received $100,000 from Queen’s to contribute to your SGPS health Plan. (The amount we receive will increase $20,000 under the new CBA). This includes access to a $15,000 Dental Bursary and a $15,000 kick-back to help our international students cover their UHIP costs. We also contribute a significant amount of our dues to the local defense fund, should we ever need to go on strike, so that we are protected Change
Projections It looks like we’re going to have a bit of extra cash this year. Every little bit helps!
Questions? If you want to know more, or want to help us decide how your dues work for you, get involved! Join the Steward’s Network, the Bargaining Committee or the even Finance Committee. General inquiries: To join the finance committee or have a specific question about the budget, contact the Treasurer at