3 rd Block Social Science
Practice taking notes Learn new vocabulary words
Directions: When you see a new vocabulary word, write it down and raise your hand. We will discuss what we think it means with a partner. Write down the correct answer after discussion Record your guesses and the correct definition with a partner Each person should have his/her own paper
Allah Niyyah Qu’ran Hadith Muslim Meditate Mosque Caliph Imam Ayatollah Sunnites Shiites Hajj Ramadan Kaaba
Devout Babi Ciyah-Chal Revelation Declaration Oneness Unity Kitab-i-Aqdas Mankind
It is called Baha’i Faith, not “Bahaism” or “Baha’i” There are over 6 million Baha’i’s in the world The Baha’i Faith is the second most spread-out religion next to Christianity It began in Iran (Persia) in 1844 C.E. Can you guess the 7 countries with the highest Baha’i population? Take 5 minutes to discuss with a partner. Here is a map to help you.
India USA Iran Vietnam Kenya Bolivia South Africa Can you point on the map where these places are located?
Baha’u’llah is the prophet of the Baha’i Faith. His name means “Glory of God” in Arabic. Baha’u’llah was wealthy, but was a devout person and did not want that life. He became a Babi, or a follower of the Babi Faith that said a new prophet was coming.
He was arrested for his faith, along with other Babis. They were placed in the Ciyah-Chal (the Black Pit). It was a deep, dark, underground prison. This is where he received his first revelation from God that He was to be the new prophet. He is the only prophet to have written His faith’s holy book.
After his declaration, he was exiled first to Baghdad in Iraq, then to Adrianople in Turkey, and lastly to Akka in Israel. Can you point on the map where these places are located?
Baha’u’llah taught these basic principles: The oneness of humanity The independent search for truth Religion must agree with science and reason The equality of men and women Removal of all prejudice Universal peace Universal education Universal language
What are these similar to in Islam? What are these similar to in Christianity and Judaism? Take 2 minutes to discuss with a partner. Here is a map to help you.
5 pillars of Islam Ten Commandments
The Baha’i Faith does not have religious leaders like pastors or priests Baha’i’s believe Baha’u’llah is the most recent prophet, but not the last. There is only one section of the Baha’i Faith There are 7 Baha’i Houses of Worship in the world. One is located in Wilmette, Illinois. Another is being built in Chile. Haifa, Israel is the seat of administration. Where is the seat of administration for the Catholic faith?
Vatican City
Wilmette, Illinois
Santiago, Chile – finished in 2015
What are holy places in other religions called? What religions do they belong to?
Mosques – Islam Synagogues - Judaism Temples – Zoroastrianism, Buddhism Cathedrals – Catholicism Mosque Synagoge
The name of the Baha’i holy book is the Kitab-i-Aqdas
Ya baha ul abha – “The Greatest Name”
The ringstone symbol The toplayer is God The second layer are the prophets who help us know God The third is mankind
Nine pointed star This star represents all 9 prophets of the major religions Krishna Budda Zoroaster Moses Abraham Jesus Mohammed Bab Baha’u’llah Which religions did these prophets start?
Krishna - Hinduism Budda - Buddhism Zoroaster - Zoroastrianism Moses - Judaism Abraham - Judaism Jesus - Christianity Mohammed - Islam Bab – Babi Faith Baha’u’llah – Baha’i Faith
Naw Ruz, meaning “New Year”, is celebrated on the first day of spring. It marks the beginning of the calendar year. Baha’i’s have a calendar with 19 months that have 19 days. 4 days are not included in the calendar. These days are called Ayyam-i-Ha. When did the Islamic calendar begin?
622 C.E.