Service-Learning National Service-Learning Clearinghouse Assessing Outcomes.


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Presentation transcript:

Service-Learning National Service-Learning Clearinghouse Assessing Outcomes

Assessment or Evaluation? Assessment: accounts for the current state Pre-tests or mid-stage diagnostics of project and participants Evaluation: looks back at what occurred Post-tests determine the effectiveness of a project

Project Goals and Objectives Determine learning goals before implementing Tie goals to specific outcomes Involve students to give them ownership of project Define where the project falls on the service-learning map

Aim for Quadrant IV A good balance of learning and service Original Design: Hill, Service-Learning 2000 Center Modified: Geiger, Service-Learning Toolbox, NWREL

Project Goals and Objectives What do students need to learn? How can it be linked to the project? Post on large sheets for students to use in reflection and evaluation of the project.

Project Goals and Objectives Why write out the objectives? helps with learning needs assessment guides evaluation of project outcomes facilitates grant reporting increases likelihood of refunding

Three Areas of Assessment Student Learning Student Service Student Experience

Assessing Student Learning Link assessment to earlier goals and objectives Rubrics can help identify clear links between objectives and outcomes Include sections for written comments and to refer to outcomes

Assessing Student Service Design an instrument to collect information from community partners. Ask them about: Their perceptions of students willingness to participate The extent to which students met expectations Share and discuss feedback with students

Assessing Student Experience Collect information on student attitudes about the project. Ask them: What did they learn? How did they contribute to the community? Have their attitudes about service changed? Do they have other project ideas? What did they think about the community partner?

Shumer's Self-Assessment for Service-Learning Quick Assessment In-Depth Analysis Follow Up

Shumer's Self-Assessment for Service-Learning Quick Assessment (10-15 mins) provides general overview identify areas of strength / improvement

Shumer's Self-Assessment for Service-Learning In-Depth Analysis select areas in most need of improvement focus on what can be reasonably addressed

Shumer's Self-Assessment for Service-Learning Follow Up: instruments have limited value discuss survey results with others from fields of service & education establish action steps for improvement

Shumers Action Steps Specify what is to be done who will be responsible when it will be accomplished how you will know it is achieved List potential human and material resources Monitor progress within several weeks Identify accomplishments and challenges

Taking perspective Its a learning process Always room for improvement Points for reflection Don't lose sight of the many successes

Resources Learn and Serve Performance Measurement Toolkit (Project STAR, Aguirre International) Service-Learning Quality Review (RMC Research) National Communication Association Assessment Resources

Resources Shumer's Self-Assessment for Service-Learning UC Berkeley Service-Learning Research and Development Center NSLC Hot Topics: Evaluation & Assessment

Feedback Phone: SERV (7378)