Chapter 71 Chapter 7, 8 Information Technology For Management 4 th Edition Turban, McLean, Wetherbe John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Basic Information Systems
Chapter 72 Functional Areas in a Business Cash Management Asset Management Budgeting A/R A/P Payroll General Ledger Compensation Vacation Skills/Training Receiving Fulfillment Process control Purchasing Order Taking CRM Self-service Retail Pricing Sales Promotions Sales Force Management. Customer Loyalty Interactive Marketing
Chapter 73 Functional Areas – Value Chain Perspective The value chain model, views activities in organizations as either primary ( reflecting the flow of goods and services ) or secondary ( supporting the primary activities ). The organizational structure of firms is intended to support both of these types of activities.
Chapter 74 Functional Areas – Supply Chain Perspective The supply chain is a business process that links all the procurement from suppliers, the transformation activities inside a firm ( the value chain ) and the distribution of goods or services to customers via wholesalers and retailers.
Chapter 75 Functional Information Systems Composed of smaller systems: A functional information system consists of several smaller information systems that support specific activities performed in the functional area. Integrated or independent: The specific IS applications in any functional area can be integrated to form a coherent departmental functional system, they can be integrated across departmental lines to match a business process or be completely independent. Interfacing: Functional information systems may interface internally with each other to form the organization-wide information system or externally systems outside the organization. Supportive of different levels: Information systems applications support the three levels of an organization’s activities: operational, managerial, and strategic Functional information systems support the organization, processes and business model. Enterprise Wide Environment – All business units.
Chapter 76 Functional Information Systems Business transactions, events and processes. Support of the business and customers. Back office administrative tasks and ops. Datamining ops that support management Data Analysis and statistical forecasting. Operation Level of the company is normally highly structured and predefined. Dynamic and what-if features. Integrated Clerical documents, schedules, mail, manuals, etc.
Chapter 77 Supply and Value Chains Supply Chain Flows Materials flows are all physical products, new materials, and supplies that flow along the chain. Information flows relates to all data associated with demand, shipments, orders, returns and schedules. Financial flows include all transfers of money, payments, credit card information, payment schedules, e-payments and credit-related data. Supply chain refers to the flow of materials, information, payments, and services from raw material suppliers, through factories and warehouses (Value Chain), to the final consumer (Demand Chain). It includes tasks such as purchasing, payment flow, materials handling, production planning & control, logistics & warehousing, inventory control, and distribution. When it is managed electronically it is referred to as an e-supply chain. Supply Chains contribute to increased profitability and competitiveness
Chapter 78 Supply Chains Components The supply chain involves three segments: Upstream Upstream, where sourcing or procurement from external suppliers occur Internal Internal, where packaging, assembly, or manufacturing take place Downstream Downstream, where distribution or dispersal take place, frequently by external distributors. It also includes the movement of information and money and the procedures that support the movement of a product or a service. Organizations and individuals are also part of the chain.
Chapter 79 Supply Chains Classifications There are several major types of supply chain Integrated make-to-stock Continuous replenishment Build-to-order Channel assembly. Value Chain Demand Chain “Supply” Chain
Chapter 710 Adding value along the chain is essential for competitiveness, however problems exist especially in complex or long chains and in cases where many business partners are involved. These problems are due to uncertainties and the need to coordinate several activities, internal units, and business partners. Demand forecasts are a major source of uncertainties Competition Prices Weather conditions Technological development Customer confidence Uncertainties exist in delivery times Machine failures Road conditions Shipments Quality problems may also create production delays Supply Chain Problems
Chapter 711 The bullwhip effect refers to erratic shifts in orders up and down the supply chain because of poor demand forecasting, price fluctuation, order batching, and rationing within the chain. Even slight demand uncertainties and variability become magnified if each distinct entity, on the chain, makes ordering and inventory decisions with respect to its own interest above those of the chain. Distorted information can lead to tremendous inefficiencies, excessive inventories, poor customer service, lost revenues, ineffective shipments, and missed production schedules. Supply Chain Problems continued A common way to solve the bullwhip problem is by sharing information along the supply chain through EDI, extranets, and groupware technologies. For example employing a vendor- managed inventory (VMI) strategy, the vendor monitors inventory levels and when it falls below the threshold for each product this automatically triggers an immediate shipment.
Chapter 712 Information sharing among supply chain partners ( c-commerce ) sometimes referred to as the collaboration supply chain is one method to overcome problems in the flow. Others are: Optimal Inventory Levels Supply Chain Coordination and Collaboration Supply Chain Teams Performance Measurement and Metrics Various IT-Assisted Solutions wireless technology optimal shipping plans strategic partnerships with suppliers just-in-time Supply Chain Solutions
Chapter 713 ERP and Supply Chains It is comprised of a set of applications that automate routine back-end operations: such as financial management inventory management Scheduling order fulfillment cost control accounts payable and receivable, It includes front-end operations such as: POS Field Sales Service It also increases efficiency, improves quality, productivity, and profitability. ERP or enterprise systems control all major business processes with a single software architecture in real time. Enterprise Resource Planning
Chapter 714
Chapter 715 Enterprise Resource Planning
Chapter 716
Chapter 717 ERP Reality Complete systems can cost tens of millions of dollars Implementation can take several years Companies may lose flexibility
Chapter 718
Chapter 719
Chapter 720
Chapter 721 What is SAP? Systems Applications and Products in Data Processing SAP is the leading global provider of client/server business application solutions SAP is the number one vendor of standard business applications software SAP is the fifth largest independent software supplier in the world
Electronic Commerce Interorganizational Systems: Business-to-business Electronic storefront
Chapter 723 Market Exchange Interorganizational Structure Vertical integration Multiple activities in the same firm Risk: range of expertise required Selective sourcing Some outsourced activities Risk: control of outsourcer Virtual corporation Coordination of separate activities Risk: loss of core competency
Chapter 724 Questions Do we benefit from electronic commerce? Do we use information to add value to customers? Are we managing the product/service channel? Have we redesigned business with our partners to take advantage of technology and provide security Do we have partners with shared vision and common purpose? Do we have the right infrastructure?
Chapter 725 External / Internal Hosting Outside (Cheaper) minimize bandwidth and hardware problems use external experts installed infrastructure little additional staffing required Inside (More Control) dependent on third party reliability possible single vendor software solutions possible single vendor payment scheme
Chapter 726 External / Internal Hosting External better at storefronts but requires close integration with core business Internal better at business to business but often creates a self-contained replicated system that can be outsourced
Chapter 727 Payment Credit Cards SET (Secure Electronic Transaction) with http Electronic Checks Public/private key transactions with banks Electronic Cash 3rd party software to create virtual cash EDI/EFT Value added network using 3rd party. Common in business to business.
Chapter 728 Infrastructure Drivers