Biomes Summer
The tropical Forest The tropical forest is warm and wet. The temperature is 70 over 85 f. The rainfall is a average of 50 more than 260 inches per year. The common plants are: Trees, Epiphytes and vines. The common animals are highly diverse.
The temperature deciduous forest The temperature deciduous forest The temperature deciduous forest has four distinct seasons. The temperature is average 50 per year and 6 month growing season. The rainfall is 30 over 60 inches per year. The common plants are the ash, Oak, Maple, Beech, Hickory, Elm, Linden, and Sweet Gum, Trees. The common animals are Black Bear, Songbirds, Rat, Snake, Gray squirrel, Chipmunk, opossum, skunk, Mountain Lion, and Bobcat.
The Taiga The taiga is long, cold winters and shot, warm summers. The temperature is extreme of -90 over 70 f. The rainfall is 12 more than 33 inches per year. The common plants is conifers. The common animals are Moose, Fur-bearing mammals and migratory seed-eating birds.
The Tundra The temperature is belt around the north pole with permafrost permanently frozen ground. The temperature average is 18 f. The rainfall is less than five inches per year. The common plants are Mosses, Sedges perennial, Forbs, and dwarfed shrubs.
Rain forest The rain forest is coal and moist. The temperature is 40 aver 80f. The rainfall is 400 inches per year. The common plants are conifers and ferns, Musses, Wildflowers, Epiphytes, and Lichens. The common animals are Beaver, Raccoon, Black Bear, and Elk.
The temperature grassland The temperature grassland is also called prairies, plaint, pampas, steppes, or veld. The temperature is -40 grades and 70f. The rain is 10 over 30 inches per year. The common plants are perennial grasses and perennial forbs. The common animals are Bison, Pronghorn, Gopher, Prairie Dogs, Coyote, Monarch, Butterfly, and Bumblebee.
The tropical Grassland The tropical grassland is also called savannah: Hot all year with a wet season and a dry season. The temperature is 68 over 86f. The rain fall average 10 more than 30 inches per year. The common plants are continuous over of perennial grasses; an canopy of drought- resistant
The desert The desert is dry; hot during the day, cold at the night. The temperature is 40 over 86 f. The rain fall is average 10 more than 30 inches per year. The common plants Shrubs, Cacti, Aloe, and Yucca
The Chaparral The chaparral is also call Mediterranean climate is short, wet winters and long, dry summers. The temperature is 37 over 91f. The rainfall is 15 more than 40 inches per year. The common plans are Shrubs, Grasses, Drought-resistant trees.