SELECTING YOUR CHALLENGE In the last two lessons you have explored four different issues. Now you need to choose one of the four and complete the challenge task… Challenge 1: Design a leaflet for a specific target audience on achieving a healthy weight. Target audience must be either: Teenagers; Pregnant Women;Middle aged people Challenge 2: Write a detailed report on the Suffolk You Tube film outlining their successes and suggesting improvements for a future campaign on teenage sexual health. Challenge 3: Design a safety advice booklet for teenagers encouraging safe driving from young learner drivers. Challenge 4: Design an advice sheet aimed at your own age group on the best way to drink safely. Or Design a print based anti-drinking / anti- binge drinking adverting campaign.
ESW COMMUNICATION LEVEL 3: READING In order to complete Level 3 Communication, you must show evidence for the following Read, understand and synthesise information from at least two documents about the same subject. Each document must be at least 1,000 words long and of a different type. (eg newspaper article, government report, advice booklet, medical report) At least one must contain complex information or reasoning, and at least one must contain an image. There should be clear evidence of how the image was used to aid understanding. (eg labelled diagram, graph) Candidates must work independently to select material from the documents.
WHAT EVIDENCE WILL I NEED? A copy of each of the documents you have used. Annotate your copy and make notes on it to show how you have selected information. Produce a note taking sheet of the key ideas (including a note on the image(s) you have read. Evidence of where the information was gathered.
DID YOU INCLUDE THESE SOURCES? IssuePotential Source 1. ObesityTV Documentaries; Health Associations; National Health Statistics website; Local GPs or hospitals 2. Sexual Relationships School Nurse; Statistics on sexually transmitted disease; NHS; Relationship Counsellors 3. Car SafetyNewspaper articles; Health surveys on smoking in cars; Police or insurance car safety data 4. Binge Drinking Welsh Government statistics (website), TEDS, NHS, Alcohol Concern charities
RESEARCH: ASKING KEY QUESTIONS In earlier lessons you have created the sorts of questions that could be asked about your topic. Use these to help develop your line of enquiry and to find relevant sources for your work. This was the example given to you… If the topic was Domestic Violence, key questions might be… Is domestic violence caused by gender stereotyping or alcohol? How bad are domestic violence rates in Wales compared to other countries? What does the government do to help victims? What is the impact on children? What is the police/society’s attitude to male victims of domestic violence in comparison to female victims?
WRITING UP YOUR CHALLENGE TASK Now you have completed relevant research, it is time to write up your project. Before you begin, read through the requirements for Level 3 Communication ESW to make sure you complete all you need to do.
ESW COMMUNICATION LEVEL 3: WRITING C3.3.1 – Write two documents of different types, each one giving different information to different audiences about complex subjects in appropriate formats, using language that is appropriate to the purpose and audience. (This is the first writing task – the second will be your personal statement for UCAS). One document must be at least 1,000 words long. For each document, there must be evidence of planning and at least one draft, with evidence of checking. In final work, sentences must be formed correctly, with correct punctuation, spelling and grammar. Paragraphing must be appropriate.
SOME NOTES… You need to show evidence of planning. Begin with a writing plan. This could be a bullet point list of which information you will include in each paragraph or section. You need to write in a specific type of format – if you have selected a report it needs to be set out as a report, if it is an advice sheet, it needs to be set out as such and so on. You have to write at least one draft and show evidence of correcting your work. This can be done in various ways. If you are hand-writing the piece, you’ll need to write draft one, show your corrections/improvements and then re-write. If you are using ICT you could use the formatting functions to show the changes to your drafts and print out that version. If you don’t know how to use formatting functions then print off your first draft, edit by hand and then amend the final version.
SUBMITTING.. You have this and next lesson to complete this task. You must hand in the following on the subsequent lesson: Your reading source materials with annotations. Your note taking page from the reading source materials. Your planning page for the written page (including paragraph references). Either: your draft version with evidence of editing and checking spelling, punctuation and grammar and your final version of the written task. Or: your final version with the tracking changes facility printed at the side showing evidence of editing and checking spelling, punctuation and grammar.