Lie North of the Tropic of Cancer And South of the Tropic of Capricorn
Lie along the equator
Tropical Warm & wet year round Avg. temp degrees C. Annual Rainfall 2,000- 4,000 mm per year Temperate Seasons- dry summer, wet winter Avg. temp. not extreme Annual Rainfall avg ,000 mm per year
With Canopy Cranes
Title Slide rainforest picture: g Eden Communications (2003). Sound file. Accessed on 5/26/06 at Slide 1 Temperate Forest Picture Accessed on 5/26/06 at Tropical Rainforest picture Accessed on 5/26/06 at Slide 2 Wheeling Jesuit University/NASA-supported Classroom of the Future. Rainforest Map. Slide 3 Map Image Accessed on 5/26/06 at Slide 4 Molles, M.(2002). Ecology Concepts and Applications. [Images] McGraw-Hill Higher Education: NewYork..pg. 35. Slide 5 Viau, E. (1999). [Tropical Food Web Image] Accessed on 5/26/06 at nweb.html Viau, E. (1999). [Temperate Food Web Image] Accessed on 5/26/06 at mpweb.html Slide 6 University of Washington. (2005) [Crane images] Accessed on 5/26/06 at