Dana Wei ICON Sr. CRA
* Clinical research is research that directly involves a particular person or group of people, or that uses materials from humans, such as their behavior or samples of their tissue.
* A clinical trial is one type of clinical research that follows a pre-defined plan or protocol. By taking part in clinical trials, participants can not only play a more active role in their own health care, but they can also access new treatments and help others by contributing to medical research.
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* 我會半開玩笑的說:「我就好像古早時候啤酒廠的品 質監測工 (monitor) ,坐在啤酒生產線旁邊一整天 (Site) ,眼睛盯著輸送帶上的啤酒瓶看 (SDV) ,看到啤 酒瓶裡面出現雜質要挑出來 (Query) ,然後老闆不信 任我,所以又顧了一個監工看著我有沒有好好看酒瓶。 (Auditor) 」 摘自阿唐的謬思
(1)Preparation before study initiated Site selection, Submission, Contract negotiation… (2)Study execution Site initiation, Recruitment, Amendment, Data clean…. (3) Study finish Site close out, study final report, inspection
CRA CRM (Clinical Research Manager) CRA Trainer Auditor Medical Affairs Medical Science Liaison Product Manager