Organization Work extra hard on the beginning of your story, so it snares readers instantly. And know how you’re going to end your story before you start writing; without a sense of direction, you can get lost in the middle. - Joan Lowery Nixon Organization Work extra hard on the beginning of your story, so it snares readers instantly. And know how you’re going to end your story before you start writing; without a sense of direction, you can get lost in the middle. - Joan Lowery Nixon The internal structure of writing, like the framework on a building or the skeleton of an animal. It holds things together & gives the whole piece form & shape.
What is organization?
What makes a piece well organized?
Scoring Continuum
5 Clear and compelling direction makes reading a BREEZE. My beginning gets you hooked. Every detail is in the right place. You won’t feel lost. My paper ends at just the right spot – and it leaves you thinking. 3- You can follow it pretty well. I have a beginning. Most details fit where I put them. The paper has an ending but it needs some work. 1 Where are we headed? You could get dizzy trying to follow this. Beginning? Oops… My ideas seem scrambled, jumbled, confusing – even to me. It doesn’t have real ending. It just stops.
Let’s share a mentor text What did you hear in this book that supports the trait of organization?
3 Chair Activity Put 3 chairs next to each other Retell the story of Charlie Anderson. Chair 1 tells beginning Chair 2 tells middle Chair 3 tells end
I Can Fly I can Fly. When I was litle my Mom teach to fly. I Fly every where I look for food. I have friend when I was flying and still looking at food. My mom go looking the nother food. I hate finger nails. I have a big body I have a good food. I play with my friend. My mom have a new friend and we all play together we have a party. I'm happy and I have a big head. The next day. I com back to my home I go to sleep at home. I like being a bird.
Wicked Queen Once upon a time there was a girl named Anne. She had a little brother. One day Anne and her little brother wen't to the forest. To pick berries. After they got done picking berries. They met someone. She was a old woman. She was a wicked qeen. She said how would like to come with me. They said will ok so they wen't. When they there. The wicked qeen turned Anne in to a bird. The little boy saw the wicked qeen turen Anne in to a bird. The little boy got mad. The wicked qeen fell fast to sleep. The little boy took the spell. And turend his sisster back in to human. THE END
My Trip to the River This story happened a few years ago, when I was smaller. It was a cold day, so my mom bundled up my brother and I. That was usual. My family (including me), and some of my mom's friends went on a trip to the river. I can't remember what my mom's friends name's were. Malcolm, my brother, was bored, so he decided to pick on me. You know how brothers are. We road in a boat. It was my first time riding in a boat. I didn't get to ride in boat's that often. Malcolm was teasing me about the boat tipping. Then, my mom dropped the paddle. She got it back though. We ate, and then headed on up the trail that led to the truck. Malcolm reached out for my hat and missed. It fell in the river. He reached out to pick it up as it started to drift away. He reached a little further. Malcolm got ahold of it. Splash! He fell in. My brother started to panic. Help I'm drowning! he said. Everyone just stood there. One of my mom's friends told him to stand up if he wanted to live. He found out the water was only up to his knees. I lauged. He didn't think it was funny!
Math I have laren how to Divid I sort bay puting the numbereh and aad the numbeeh up to 186. I see how nine time 3 go in to 18 6 tine. I see 3 tine 6 is 18 tain I taek away 8 from 8 is 0 and taek 1 fro 1 is 0 then I bein drom the 6 how mine tine dais 3 go in to 6 2 tine 2 tine 3 is 6 how taek away 6 from 6 is 0 I am dain.
The Baseball I remember the day I got it well. It was an everyday type day until the doorbell rang. I got up to awnser it. But my sister beat me to it, as usual. It was dad’s friend Tom. He got back from a New York Yankes baseball fantasy camp a couple weeks ago. I said hi to him and he asked me if I knew who Micky Mantel was. I said hi of course I do. At that point I was a little confused. Thenhe haded me a baseball. It wasen’t the kind of baseball we use in little luege. It was nicer than that. Made of real leather. It even smelled like leather. Like the smell of a new leather jacket. And the seems wer hand stitched too. I turned it around in my hand than I saw it. I saw a Micky mantel aughtograph. I coulden’t believe it. I had an aughtograph in ink of one of the gretest baseball palyers of all time. WOW. I teushered it ever since that everyday type day that changed at the ring of a doorbell.
The Day That Henry Cleaned His Room: Put the sentences in order. Use transition words and sequencing to help you. It had been a year since anyone had seen the inside of Henry’s room. “Okay,” Henry shouted from his bedroom door, “I’m going to clean my room. Everyone out!” ___ The third group out was the raccoon family. ___ As Henry lay awake staring at the ceiling, he heard a squeak and a tapping of toenails and a slithering sound as, one by one, his old friends tiptoed and sneaked back into his room. ___ In their tiny paws they brought out Henry’s collections of mismatched socks and rubber bands. ___ It had been so long since Henry cleaned their tank that they had grown long legs and climbed out, preferring air to dirty water. ___ The mice came next. ___ At bedtime, as Henry looked around his clean room, it looked so empty and he was so lonely. ___ The last one out was something long and green and scaly that slithered out from Henry’s bed and oozed down the stairs. ___ Henry’s father replied, “They are Henry’s friends. He’s kept them well fed.” ___The mother, father, and three youngsters juggled Henry’s collection of stale hamburger buns, cereal boxes, and corncobs. ___ The first ones out were Henry’s fish. ___ Henry’s mother was shocked when she saw the raccoons. “Who are these creatures,” she asked, “and how did they get so big?” Everyone curled up in a cozy place to sleep, and Henry happily fell asleep.
Organization Opportunity