MICE CMPB Alain Blondel 19 April spokesperson remarks CMPB MICE NEWS
MICE CMPB Alain Blondel 19 April Aspirational MICE Schedule now (~unchanged since march 2006) 1 October 2007 STEP I December 2007 STEP III STEP II STEP IV Early 2009 STEP V Summer 2009 STEP VI 2010 PHASE II R&D beam line + detector commissionning starts August 2007! PHASE I March 2008
MICE CMPB Alain Blondel 19 April NEWS (Ia) 1.Since March 25, Malcolm Ellis is keeping a MICE NEWS page. 2.MICE Installations/commissionning/operations group will have first in- person meeting on 12 June (day before the collaboration meeting) meanwhile… Reports at Video conferences (1/month) are already organized according to main MICE subsystems. Visits to RAL by Gregoire (CKOV, TOF shield) Graulich (DAQ) ABross (Tracker, detectors) are organized. 3.Prof. Gail Hanson has been awarded a grant from the NSF, 133k$ X 3 years effective 15th April. Will hire a post doc to work on MICE (mostly at RAL). A matching contribution from GH startup fund at University of Riverside (400k$) is associated. 4.Transfer of 200k€ to INFN for TOF is taking place ( Vittorio)
MICE CMPB Alain Blondel 19 April EU notice for MICE AFC modules has gone out in EU official journal MICE Absorber Focus Coil Modules (REF 2020RE) – NUTS code:UKJ14 Two complete assemblies with an option for a third. It is expected that delivery will be required during October ICST coupling coil discussions are advancing well. Technical review and visit involving MICE and NFMCC officials is organized in week of 15 May at Harbin 7. Steve Virostek (LBNL) and Wing Lau (Oxford) have accepted o act as deputy MICE project managers to relieve P. Drumm 8. MICE spokesperson election has taken place… AB reelected for 3 years NEWS (Ib)
MICE CMPB Alain Blondel 19 April NEWS (II) TARGET. Review 9 March at Daresbury Lab. -- test in fall 2006 OK, but only with 10A (55 needed) driver and rep rate of once per 64/50 sec. -- Recommended that present system be upgraded to ensure efficient recovery of the target at full performance after dip in the beam. (new processor will be developed in parallel) Milestones: Start long run target test in April Ramp to 55A by 1st of May Install in ISIS by 22 June Complete reliability demonstration by mid september. Beam line and hall preparation: See Pauls presentation. Aim to have everything in place for closure on August 1st. (upstream magnets and stands, PSI solenoid, Shielding of area)
MICE CMPB Alain Blondel 19 April NEWS (III) CKOVI CKOV construction jobs are being spawned in parallel - Aerogel containers + mirrors - Mississippi PMT enclosures - IIT Light boxes - U. Iowa Some progress on the lexan mirror forming has been made. The PMT base redesign work has begun at Fermilab. Aerogel order is out to Matsushita (Panasonic) - Dan. PMT checking in Trieste is started. ON TRACK for CKOV at RAL in JULY TOF First batch of H6553MOD Hammamatsu PMT assemblies for TOF1 delivered to INFN Milano Bicocca. Magnetic tests of PMTs going on. Design of lightguides and PMT support collars for TOF0/1 have been finalised. Production of lightguides has started. ONTRACK for TOF0/TOFI at RAL in August. Updated PID dimensions updated in G4MICE. KL calorimeter Production on going at Roma III (funding advanced by KLOE) Expected delivery date: october 2007 SW calorimeter: Batch of scintillator shipped from FNAL -- first prototype layer being assembled at Trieste. (P. Chimenti) aim is to have SW in MICE in 2008
MICE CMPB Alain Blondel 19 April Light guide scintillator assembly for TOF
MICE CMPB Alain Blondel 19 April NEWS (IV) Tracker -- Station production is going well. -- Following the visit to G-Tech, the waveguide production has started. -- The first production cryostat has now achieved the desired performance following improvements to the way the thermal links are prepared. It is anticipated that even on 50Hz power in the UK, there will be sufficient margin for the cryostat to operate. -- Cosmic ray test of station 5 at FNAL proceeding -- DAQ within MICE framework progressing well. Commissionning of first tracker expected to start in June at RAL. Tracker will be part of Step I (beam commissionning period) Spectrometer solenoid Winding of the center coil for the first magnet now ~80% complete 2nd finished coil former at Wang & leak-checked 4th cryocooler arrived at Wang At least 1 month schedule slip due to late delivery of coil former Wang is in the process of updating the fabrication schedule – extended shifts being considered Schedule of magnetic measurements at RAL being addressed now. EXPECTED delivery at RAL 1 december 2007.
MICE CMPB Alain Blondel 19 April Tracker construction: Station fabrication keeping pace, perhaps a week or so behind schedule Awaiting polishing check before final polish. Hence last step in production not done for stations 2 to 6 Waveguide production a little behind schedule Tracker team need to take stock Assembly and QA of mechanical assembly can take place Test of tracker 1 is likely to be delayed by ~weeks (less than a month)
ch/~bdl/lepc/lepc.ppt 10 Winding of one of the middle layers of the spectrometer solenoid center coil 3/28/07
MICE CMPB Alain Blondel 19 April Publications A MICE web page has been set up with uptodate MICE publication list
MICE CMPB Alain Blondel 19 April Conclusions MICE is working hard to match schedule of Phase I ! first beam in August, operation of stepI in October StepII in december. many places to worry and work hard about, but no sign of delay at this moment.