Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) - Jim Crow Laws - Segregation in the North de facto / de jure - “ghetto” - “the black belt” - WWII – 70,000 -
N.A.A.C.P. - Brown v. Board of Education (1954) - Thurgood Marshall - The “Southern Manifesto” - White Citizens Councils - “The Little Rock Nine” -
Segregation & Education
The Philosophy of Nonviolence Jesus, Thoreau, Gandhi civil-disobedience breaking unjust laws peaceful nonviolence mass protest
Tools of Non-Violence boycotts sit-ins fill the jails passive resistance examples of injustice people’s movement -
The Philosophy of Nonviolence
Freedom Summer, tDetail.cfm?guidAssetID=CF510AE7-5B06-45EB- 87A4-5ECEA
Montgomery Bus Boycott (’55) Rosa Parks MLK jr. – SCLC Southern Christian Leadership Conference MLK jr. is president SNCC Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee
Alabama, 1963
March on Washington, 1963
The Civil Rights Act of 1964 – banned - created EEOC – Voting Rights Act of 1965 – marks a turn – Stokely Carmichael – “black power” - black nationalism – Marcus Garvey (20s) – Black Panthers - Malcolm X – Nation of Islam