Urban and Regional Development Policy Country Report: Islamic Republic of IRAN By: Mahmoud Babaei Lashkajani August 17 ~ September 1, 2006 Korea
Country Report: Islamic Republic of IRAN Ministry of housing & urban development Our responsibility is making policy concerning urban & regional development. Prepare different levels of plan like national, regional, local planning (master and detail plan). IN THE NAME OF GOD REPRESENTED ORGANIZATION
Organization Chart of ministry of housing and urban development Vice minister of housing and urban development Vice minister on housing and building Vice minister of programming and parliament Related administrations Land and housing national admin. Public work admin. New town dev. Corp. Regularizing Informal Settlements corp. Housing and building research center Architectural & urban dev. Research center Office of internal affair Selecting for hiring office Protection office Parliament and law affairs Office and new Ideas Statistic and budget office Professional organization office Building code office Economical housing & programming office Regional planning office Architectural and urban designing Secretary of housing and urban development Provinces units High Council Urban Development And Architecture of IRAN Housing Foundation Complain office Minister Vice minister of development & resources Personal affair office Budgetary and management organization Minister’s Office
Country Report: Islamic Republic of IRAN Area: 1,648,000 sq km Population: 75,000,000 North: Caspian Sea South: Persian Gulf East: Afghanistan and Pakistan West: Iraq
Country Report: Islamic Republic of IRAN Exploration of oil in Iran Joining the global market Land reform in 1963 OVERVIWE OF THE EXPERIENCE OF IRAN’S ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT
Country Report: Islamic Republic of IRAN 1.Land became a commodity and was available in market for buying & selling. 2.Labor force migrated to large cities for working in assembly line in factories result was formation of slum in Large cities like Tehran. 3.Economic crises due the falling of Pahlavi regime and second wave of rural migration to all cities and its vicinities occurred. 4.Price of oil decline and government gave permission to municipality to sell density. OVERVIWE OF THE EXPERIENCE OF IRAN’S ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT
Country Report: Islamic Republic of IRAN
Minister of housing and urban development Home minister Minister of industry Minister of culture & higher education Minister of Islamic guide Minister of power (water, Electricity) Minister of Agriculture Minister of Defense Minister of Budgets Head administrator of environment Minister of road & transportation Also a member from parliament HIGH COUNCIL OF URBAN DEVELOPMENT & ARCHITECTURE IN IRAN
Country Report: Islamic Republic of IRAN This plan includes one or a few provinces in Iran, and consist of 10 regions and deals with land suitability, hazard area, protected area, new town, Major roads, railways, airports, etc … Problem is neglecting economic matter This plan is valid only for 25 years, and maps would be prepared in 1:250,000. REGIONAL MASTER PLAN
Country Report: Islamic Republic of IRAN REGIONAL MASTER PLAN
Country Report: Islamic Republic of IRAN Speculation in this Region especially from local governmental organization, and people Central government decided to prepare the coastal plan for freeing the shore and opening that to public spaces in line of sustainable development. COASTAL PLAN
Country Report: Islamic Republic of IRAN Sub-region is consisting of the whole or a part of one or a few counties with the same national and geographical characteristics clarifying positions and role of a sub-region in a region considered the bases for city development Zoning land use and determining construction regulations. considering the maps of capabilities, existing land use, limitations, sensitive and damageable areas Environmental protected areas determine location of new towns IRAN is divided in to 90 sub-regional area This plan is valid only for 20 years, and maps would be prepared in 1:25,000 or 1:50,000. SUB-REGIONAL
Country Report: Islamic Republic of IRAN Investment is not distributed between small and large cities properly. Plan is not match with economical, social and cultural needs. PROBLEMS EXISTED IN REGIONAL & SUB-REGIONAL PLAN
Country Report: Islamic Republic of IRAN
Metropolitan is consisting of a large city (more than one million) and surrounding some small cities. These plans present a metropolitan boundaries and programs in it. This kind of plan considered the bases for city development, master plan, and for rural areas. Zoning land use and regulations Determine location of new cities This plan is valid only for 20 years, and maps would be prepared in 1:25,000. METROPOLITAN MASTER PLANS
Country Report: Islamic Republic of IRAN METROPOLITAN MASTER PLANS Isfahan Tehran Tabriz Mashhad Shiraz METROPOLITAN
Country Report: Islamic Republic of IRAN METROPOLITAN OF TEHRAN City Area 707 sq km Province Population in year 2020 City population
Country Report: Islamic Republic of IRAN METROPOLITAN OF TEHRAN Tehran became capital 200 years ago population - migration - revolution
Country Report: Islamic Republic of IRAN METROPOLITAN OF TEHRAN Tehran was, surrounded by agricultural land and large gardens Gardens have been turned in to houses and then in to high-rise apartment buildings
Country Report: Islamic Republic of IRAN Essential environmental factors - guide land use The most important documents in this plan are showing boundaries change in master plan This plan is valid only for 10 years, and maps would be prepared in 1:10,000. CITY MASTER PLAN
Country Report: Islamic Republic of IRAN When village changes to city and do not have master plan yet GUIDE PLAN CITY VICINITY (PROTECTED AREA) The area that is out of city boundary and being protected by municipality CITY BOUNDARY The boundary that is defines on the basis on country definition and regulation law.
Country Report: Islamic Republic of IRAN CITY VICINITY CITY BOUNDRY
Country Report: Islamic Republic of IRAN Clarify urban land use in different sector Solving all the problem and needs of municipality and local government. This plan is valid only for 10 years, and maps would be prepared in 1:2,000. CITY DETAILED PLAN
Country Report: Islamic Republic of IRAN New towns began about 80 years ago Prevention of the irregular land price rises Environmental pollution Reduction of the traveling expenses Cheap price of land ESTABLISHMENT OF NEW TOWNS
Country Report: Islamic Republic of IRAN NUMBER OF TOWNS IN IRAN
Country Report: Islamic Republic of IRAN Studying and making policies for urban furniture and the cities in details Proposing monuments and special buildings for large cities as a landmark Researching for entry part of a city for small and medium size Designed would be prepared in 1:500 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN AND URBAN DETAILS
Country Report: Islamic Republic of IRAN Land is the only sustainable value of a city and it should play its role in planning properly. Private land and housing ownership is very important in Iran, as population grows investing on land and housing becomes very good investment. Governments always try making policy either on land or on housing for keeping these two merchant in balance. Oldest policy was made in Also in 1979 policy was made for lands inside of the city vicinity, with this policy, land was placed in three categories: 1.Those lands never had any history of agricultural development. Government would own all these lands. 2.Those lands previously had agricultural developed but gradually became undeveloped. 3.Those lands previously developed by people and still have the same land use. POLICIES ON LAND & HOUSING SUPPLY
Country Report: Islamic Republic of IRAN Giving land to individuals for building houses after revolution caused: Giving new houses to young families Balancing price of the land Land was not being used properly Land owner was not responsible for building it on time POLICIES ON LAND & HOUSING SUPPLY
Country Report: Islamic Republic of IRAN Contradiction between laws & regulations Neglecting economic base of spatial organization in plan Severe control of central government on local affair It takes too long for preparing plans & approving it in many different committees. Poor public transportation in metropolitan, growth of auto industry faster than road expansion. High price of land inside of city boundary, and low income migrant from villages and settling in city vicinity Peoples opinion for sharing development was not count PROBLEM EXISTED IN DEVELOPING URBAN AREA
Country Report: Islamic Republic of IRAN Providing housing for socially and economically disadvantages by giving them loan in long term. Public housing for low-income people based on rent to own. Receiving money from international banks and UNESCO for rebuilding rural area in large cities, Accepting investors idea for developing urban area Respecting developers opinions Decentralization of the government on local urban affair Reducing time for preparing plans and approving it by committees All plans should be prepared based on economic budget abilities SOULTION
Country Report: Islamic Republic of IRAN Special Thanks to KOICA for making this happened