Airman & Family Readiness Center November 2007 SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday 1 Pre-Deployment Brief 1000 & Resume Workshop Interviewing Workshop Give Parents a Break Pre-Deployment Brief 0900 & Pre-Separation Briefing Managing Your Credit & Credit Reports Time 4 Tots Sponsorship Class Pre-Deployment Brief 1000 & Hearts Apart Going To The Zoo! Veterans Day AFRC CLOSED 13 Pre-Separation Briefing Step-By-Step Debt Reduction Class Time 4 Tots Right Start Pre-Deployment Brief 1000 & Pre-Deployment Brief 0900 & 1400 DTAP Brief Survivors Benefit Plan Brief, Pre-Separation Briefing Identity Theft & Consumer Tips Time 4 Tots Pre-Deployment Brief 0900 & Pre-Separation Briefing Buying a Car the Smart Way Time 4 Tots Right Start Welcome Home Banners, Heart Link Pre-Deployment Brief 1000 & TAP EMPLOYMENT STRATEGIES WORKSHOP: WED-FRI Please call for more information THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY AFRC CLOSED
Career Focus Resume Workshop Synopsis of resumes from start to finish. Call the AFRC for reservations Friday, PDC Classroom 147, Bldg 2441 Interview Workshop Covers the basic information to help you prepare for the job interview. Friday, PDC Classroom 147, Bldg 2441 Transition Assistance Pre-separation Counseling/DD Form 2648 Mandatory for military members who are separating or retiring, this class will acquaint you with services and agencies available to help transition to the civilian workforce. Tues, , AFRC Conf Rm, Bldg 2441 Transition Assistance Program (TAP) TAP includes labor market information, job search skills, interviewing, financial planning, veteran’s benefits and more. Retirees can attend up to 2 years prior to retirement and members 1 year prior to separation date. Wed – Fri, 0800 – 1600, PDC Classroom 126/147 Disabled Transition Assistance Program (DTAP) Briefing The VA will be conducting a Vocational Rehabilitation (Voc Rehab) briefing. This briefing is for individuals who plan to file for disability and apply for educational assistance through the VA Voc Rehab program. Mon, , Bldg 2441 AFRC Conf Rm. Survivor Benefits Plan (SBP) Briefing A supplemental briefing to the TAP program where the SBP office will educate retiring personnel on SBP prior to attending their mandated appointment. Mon, , PDC Classroom 147 Family Life Activities Give Parents a Break FREE childcare to Active Duty Air Force parents who need a break from parenting due to a unique stressful temporary situation. For more information or a referral call Sat, , Child Dev. Center & Youth Center Relocation Assistance Sponsorship Class Class to train sponsors, Unit Right Start and Intro monitors, and alternates. Helpful information and tips are provided to assist DM newcomers. Wed, , AFRC Conf Rm, Bldg 2441 Smooth Move Briefing Relocation Assistance Briefing for Permanent Change of Station (PCS) moves- TMO, Legal, Family Advocacy, Finance, Airman & Family Readiness Center, and Housing Office. Wed, , PDC Classroom 147, Bldg 2441 Right Start Base Orientation Relocation program providing newcomers base and area information. Spouses are encouraged to attend. Free PCS child care program available for all ranks through the AFRC. Call for your certificate and list of home daycare providers. Weds, , Officers’ Club Financial Military Smart Consumer Classes These classes will be offered on Tuesdays of each month in a lunch & learn format at the PDC Classroom 147. Please call for more information. Tues, , PDC Classroom 147, Bldg 2441 Spouse Information Hearts Apart Going To The Zoo! Is your spouse deployed or TDY, then call and register for our Hearts Apart Group! Then come join us at Reid Park Zoo and have a wild time. Meet more than 400 animals! This trip includes free admission to the zoo, train ride and zoo info key for each family. You Must RSVP to attend NLT 09 November 07. Hearts Apart Welcome Home Banners Is your spouse on a remote, TDY or an extended deployment? Come out and join us for free pizza and beverages and make a banner for your loved one. Banner supplies are furnished. For reservations, contact the AFRC at You must RSVP NLT 26 Nov 07. Wed, , Hope Chapel AFRC Programs November 2007