Quotation for Online Marketing and Advertising for the Publicity of YPTP & YWETS of the Labour Department 2010/11
Media Package
Media Cost
Production Cost Production of banner 1 creative version Dimension: SWF: 430 X 80 (Yahoo HK) SWF: 350 X 60 (JUMP) Cost: HK$ 1,500
Display Banner Ad
Yahoo! HK Homepage PAM 430 x 80
Conversation Window / Buddy List MSN Messenger Half Banner 234 x 60 Text link
JiuJik Main Page Super Banner 728 x 90
JobMarket Main Page Super Banner 578 x 90
Jump (Mingpao) Main Page Banner 350 x 60
Recruit Main Page Right Button 150 x 120
Maximizer Network (over 100 websites) Run of Network
Facebook Run of Site Social Ad 110 x 90
Search Engine Marketing
Yahoo! HK Listings shown on top Listings shown on the right
Yahoo! HK Scrolled to bottom Listings shown at the bottom
Google Hong Kong Listings shown on top Listings shown on the right
Yahoo! HK Scrolled to bottom Listings shown at the bottom
Site Profile
Yahoo is one of the most famous portal in Hong Kong. Its Comprehensive channels include News, Finance, Entertainment, Sports, Style, Auctions, Blog, Movie, Travel, Games e.t.c. Yahoo HK
Traffic Monthly Pageviews: 375 millions Monthly Unique Users: 6.4 millions Gender Female 49% Male 51% Age <13 10% % % % % >54 4% Level of Engagement Avg. time spent per user per month: 127 minutes Monthly Hong Kong sites market share - Portal Frontpage Yahoo HK
JiuJik JiuJik is a powerful website for advertisers to post their recruitment ad for attracting talent candidates. Our effective job search tools facilitate jobseekers to find their best match jobs easily according to their job preferences.
JiuJik Gender Education Age Traffic Monthly Pageviews: 6 millions
Recruit RecruitOnline.com is a powerful website for advertisers to post their recruitment ad for attracting talent candidates. Our effective job search tools facilitate jobseekers to find their best match jobs easily according to their job preferences. Job Alert is sent to relevant members’ accounts regularly to increase the reach of the advertisements.
Recruit Traffic Monthly Pageviews: 24 Millions+ Registered Members: 260,000+ Education Level Working Experience Occupation
Maximizer Network Website
Website Maximizer Network
Facebook Traffic Monthly PVs: 900,000,000 (Regional) 270,000,000 (HK) Monthly Unique Users: 2.9M HK users (72% reach)
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