Range, Variance, and Standard Deviation in SPSS
Get the Frequency first! Step 1. Frequency Distribution After reviewing the data Start with the “Analyze” sub-menu Select “Frequencies…” Move the variables over to the right column Click the “Statistics” button
Get the Frequency first! Step 2. Output: Range The very first box will give you a lot of information about the data (descriptive) Range is HS – LS, so High Score subtracted by the Low Score of the distribution.
Get the Frequency first! Step 2. Output: Range Checking whether SPSS is giving you the right range. See the next box (the first variable) HS – LS = R 500 – 18 = 482
Get the Frequency first! Step 2. Output: Range Checking whether SPSS is giving you the right range. See the next box (the first variable) HS – LS = R House – Other = ???
Get the Frequency first! Step 2. Output: Range For Categorical variables with labels, you will need to adjust SPSS to see why it is “3”
Get the Frequency first! Step 2. Output: Range Go to the sub-menu of “Edit” Click on “Options…”
Get the Frequency first! Step 2. Output: Range In the “Output” tab… Make sure these two are “Values and Labels” in “Pivot Table Labeling”
Get the Frequency first! Step 2. Output: Range Now you can see why the Range value is 3. HS – LS = R 4 – 1= 3
Get the Frequency first! Step 3. Output: Variance Variance (s 2 ) is easily obtained from the first table. Cost’s Variance is 21, Housing’s Variance is.96
Get the Frequency first! Step 3. Output: Std. Dev. Standard Deviation (s) is also easily obtained from the first table. Cost’s Standard Deviation is Housing’s Standard Deviation is 0.98 It is the row above Variance