“Sustainability” can be Vague…
Definition of Sustainability: Managing our natural resources in such a way as to not hinder the opportunity of future generations.
Why is Sustainability important to us? It is in keeping with our Quaker principles of stewardship and simplicity. Our students believe it’s important. Explosion of Jobs with “green” or “eco”. It saves us money. Helps preserves natural resources
Sustainability – A Holistic Approach ACUPCC Water Conservation Energy Conservation Sustainable Grounds Maintenance Supporting Alternative Transportation – Bike Shop Production Garden & Community Garden Engagement/Education Green Cleaning Solid Waste Management- Reduce/Re- Use/Recycle and Compost
Food Waste Diversion at Guilford College (Movies included separately on Moon Room Site)
Archdale Hall- LEED Silver 35 building energy audits 800,000 sq. ft. audited 430 energy conservation measures
Local Energy Cost Comparisons
(Movie included separately on Moon Room Site)
What’s next? Sustainability in the broader curriculum We need YOU!