My AmeriCorps Release 3 AmeriCorps State Commissions and Programs User Roles and Management – Understanding & Planning Presentation developed for the Corporation for National and Community Service by the eGrants Coaching Unit JBS International, Aguirre Division (2008);
Introduction eGrants Coaching Unit The following presentation is designed for state commissions and programs. This presentation will help users understand the user roles as well as the access levels within the My AmeriCorps system. You must have an eGrants account in order to access My AmeriCorps functions.* eGrants is the Corporation for National and Community Services grant application and management system and the gateway to the My AmeriCorps system. *For details on how to create an eGrants account, please watch the tutorial on Create and Manage an eGrants Account.Create and Manage an eGrants Account 2
Agenda Understanding: o Important Considerations o Grantee Administrator User Role Defined o My AmeriCorps User Roles and Access Flow Chart o My AmeriCorps User Roles Defined: Grantee Recruiter, Grantee Member Management o My AmeriCorps Access Levels Defined: Prime, Operating Site, and Service Location Planning: o User Roles Map o Grantee Member Management Role as it Relates to Access Levels Whats next? eGrants Coaching Unit 3
Important Considerations All of the My AmeriCorps tutorials and webinars focus on the functionality of the system rather than grant requirements or program policies. The My AmeriCorps system does not include comprehensive compliance checks. We recommend that programs set their own policies around system use and monitor usage for compliance. However, we suggest that programs give some thought to how they assign roles and access so that they are comfortable with the level of authority they are giving their users. If they have questions they should contact their Program Director or Program Officer. eGrants Coaching Unit 4
Grantee Administrator User Role Defined Grantee Administrator: o is an eGrants user role that gives full access to My AmeriCorps functionality. o Grantee Admins at the state commission will have access to all grants, operating sites (or sub-grantees/programs), and service locations at the legal applicant organization. o Grantee Admins at the state programs/sub-grantees will have access to all grants (or operating sites) and service locations at the legal applicant organization. o can approve all requests (please contact your Program Officer for guidance on business practices). o manages organizational information and all users at the legal applicant organization. 5 eGrants Coaching Unit
My AmeriCorps User Roles & Access Flow Chart 6 eGrants Coaching Unit Grantee Recruiter: Creates service opportunity listings and processes applications, with the exception of enrollment, for all the grants to the legal applicant organization.. Prime Operating Site Service Location Grantee Member Management: Manages grant(s), program(s), and/or service location(s) and members, including enrollment. This role requires an additional level of access: Grantee Admin must assign a My AmeriCorps user role:
My AmeriCorps User Roles Defined Grantee Recruiter: o manages most recruitment functions such as create service listings and processes applications, with the exception of enrollment, for the legal applicant organization and all of its associated grants. Grantee Member Management: o manages program(s) and members, including enrollment; requires an access level: Prime: refers a grant for the state commission. Operating Site: refers to the sub-grantee or program for the state commission. In the program context, this refers to a grant. Service Location: refers to the exact location where a member serves. 7 eGrants Coaching Unit
Grantee Member Management User Role Tree Diagram 8 Prime Operating Site Service Location Service Location (new term): Refers to an exact location where a member serves. Operating Site: Refers to a sub-grantee or program/grant. Prime: Refers to a grant to the state commission. eGrants Coaching Unit
State Programs – Service Location Level Access Portal Page for Service Location User Service Location Level: Lists all available service locations associated with the grants to the state program. Service location refers to the exact location where a member serves. Prime Operating Site Service Location 9 eGrants Coaching Unit
State Programs – Operating Site Level Access Workbasket for Operating Site User Operating Site Level: Lists all available grants to the state program or sub-grantee of the state commission. Prime Operating Site Service Location 10 eGrants Coaching Unit
State Commissions – Prime Level Access Prime Operating Site Service Location Workbasket for Prime User Prime Level: Lists all available grants to the state commission. 11 eGrants Coaching Unit
Grantees User Roles Map eGrants Coaching Unit 12
eGrants Coaching Unit Grantee Member Management Role at the Service Location Level 13 Q: Who can be assigned to the service location level? A: The operating site, and service location staff. Q: So staff at the operating site can be assigned to the service location level? A: Yes, user role assignment does not necessarily have to align with staff role. The program determines how user management is structured; however, your state commission may have guidelines. Please check with your Program Officer if you have any questions. Q: Can I exit or suspend a member? A: You can create the request, but will need a user with operating site level to approve it. Q: Can I edit slot information? A: This level does not have the capability to edit slot information. Q: Can I change the information to my service location? A: Yes, you can manage the information to the service location(s) to which you are assigned.
Grantee Member Management Role at the Operating Site Level 14 eGrants Coaching Unit Q: Who can be assigned to the operating site level? A: Program/sub-grantee staff can be assigned to this level. Q: Can I invite an applicant to apply to a service opportunity listing? A: Yes, you can invite an applicant by creating an invitation in My AmeriCorps. You can also complete the registration form on behalf of the applicant if he/she does not have access to a computer or the internet. Q: Can I transfer a member? A: You can request to transfer a member between programs. You dont need access to the new program to perform this action. However, only state commission staff can approve a transfer-in and out requests. Q: Can I request to suspend a member? A: Yes, not only can you create the request, but you can also approve the suspension. Q: Can I create a Service Location and assign a member to it? A: Absolutely! You can create a service location for the operating site to which you are assigned.
Grantee Member Management Role at the Prime Level 15 eGrants Coaching Unit Q: Who can be assigned to the prime level? A: Only state commission staff can be assigned to the prime level. For example, a staff member can be assigned to manage one or more grants. Q: Can I change a members term of service past after 90 days of a members start date? A: Only the Grantee Admin at the state commission can approve this change of term of service. Q: Can I transfer slots? A: Yes, you can transfer slots within formula or competitive portfolios of the same grant year. Q: Can I edit my grant information? A: Yes, you can edit information relating to the grant(s) to which you are assigned, as well as the operating sites, and service locations associated with that grant. Q: Can I search for programs? A: Yes, you can search the programs or operating sites associated to the assigned grant(s).
Whats next? 16 The Resource Center o o Includes other tutorials o Live training and registration schedule The eGrants Coaching Unit o o o Training/Technical Assistance The eGrants Help Desk o o Technical Assistance o User name/Password reset assistance eGrants Coaching Unit 16