1 SHRP 2 Implementation Outcomes and Products July 28, 2010 Accelerating solutions for highway safety, renewal, reliability, and capacity
2 Implementation Report TRB SR 296 Required in SAFETEA-LU: delivered to Congress February 1, 2009 Describe implementable products, users/stakeholders, barriers, etc. Recommend implementation methods, & mechanisms Estimate required resources Committee chaired by Kirk Steudle
3 Recommendations 1.Establish implementation program 2.Structure: FHWA to lead; NHTSA role in safety; partnering with AASHTO, TRB 3.$400 million over 6 years 4.Stakeholder advisory group for whole program; separate advisory group for safety 5.Detailed implementation plans developed and executed
AASHTO Standing Committee on Highways Strategic Plan 2010 – 2014 * Cut Fatalities in Half by 2030 * Performance Management * Congestion-free America * Workforce Planning and Development * System Preservation * Research and Emerging Technology * Project Delivery * Climate Change * Freight * Communicating the Value of Transportation
SHRP 2 The Life Cycle Approach Procurement Design Planning Operations & Maint Construction
Example SHRP 2 Products Technical input for design and construction specifications Standard details and plans Methods: analysis, design, construction, inspection, monitoring, data collection, research protocols (manuals) Software, databases, web-based tools Institutional strategies, processes (guidelines); model agreements New products, equipment, materials, processes, systems, tests Demonstrations, pilot studies Case studies, examples, best practices Plans: evaluation, monitoring, implementation, marketing, future research Reports, papers, presentations, annotated bibliography Training, certification programs
Potential Users and Beneficiaries Taxpayers Motorists Commercial drivers Bus riders Shipping and logistics professionals Environmental agencies Communities, businesses and event owners Railroads Utilities Auto manufacturers and suppliers MPOs Law enforcement providers Firefighters EMS providers Highway designers, contractors and suppliers State and local transportation agencies
SHRP 2 Reliability Outcomes Performance measures, technical relationships Reliability requirements for different road users Guide to design reliability monitoring systems Model for institutional change toward operations Technical relationships for HCM, AASHTO design guide, demand models Interdisciplinary incident response training Capacity link: inputs to TCAPP, models Safety link: ways to improve driver behavior
9 “Implementation” for Safety Make database accessible to users: long- term stewardship, upgrading, basic user services, security Train researchers and safety professionals in use of data (new ways of thinking about safety): workshops, sabbaticals, curriculum materials Technical assistance in data use Additional analyses: lead to new CM and improved use of existing CM Demo & evaluate site-based technology
10 Oversight Committee Charge, December 2009 AASHTO, FHWA, NHTSA, TRB staff develop coordinated approach to per- implementation (implementation steering group will report) Technical Coordinating Committees provide recommendations for initial pre-implementation activities
11 TCC Tasks at April 2009 Meetings Assess readiness of each product for early implementation activity For products that are ready, identify next logical steps for implementation For products not quite ready, consider what needs to be done to move closer to being ready Generate good ideas to support future implementation activities
12 “Next Steps” Could Include Communicate products and value added for general use: marketing, training, etc. Set up demonstration projects Perform additional testing and evaluation Perform related research to “harden” the product or make it more useful Other …
14 TCC “Short Lists” Highest priority next step activities Contract action must be taken prior to June 2011 Form the substance of the Year 1 Proposal for Pre-Implementation Activities
Cross Cutting Activities #ActivityQuantity CC1Webinars and Webisodes20 CC2Speakers Bureau75 CC3Implementation Plan Development (training, plans and focus groups) 1, 7 CC4Marketing and Communications (on call contract)
Cross Cutting Activities (cont.) #ActivityQuantity CC5Work group and White paper on SHRP 2 computer products 1 CC6Demonstration and Verification activity support (optimize current outreach and conduct corporate events for champions) 12 CC7SHRP 2 Committee Pre- Implementation Structures (OC and TCCs establish implementation work groups)
17 For more information SHRP 2: SHRP 2 Implementation Report: 96.pdf