Paraphilias Chapter 14
Case Study 229: Zoophilia A man was caught having intercourse with a hen. He was 30 years old & of high social position. The hens had been dying & the person responsible had been “wanted”. The judge asked the man the reason for such an act. The man said his genitals were too small to have coitus with a woman. Medical examinations showed his genitals were extremely small.
1.The behavior is engaged in for the purpose of sexual arousal or gratification 2.The behavior tends to compulsive and recurrent 3.A clear majority of people in a given cultural setting would consider the behavior to be strange, deviant, pathological or abnormal
…sexual masochism is most common for women Most common in men…
“Every man wants to be a tyrant when he fornicates.” -Marquis de Sade
Incorporation therapy Psychotherapy Orgasmic Reconditioning Drug Therapy