Cultural Conflict
“If educational standards are raised…they should have a significant positive long term effect on community relations. Police personnel with two to four years of college should have a better appreciation of people with different racial, economic and cultural backgrounds or at least, should have the innate ability to acquire such understanding. Studies support the proposition that well educated persons are less prejudiced toward minority groups than the poorly educated.” (Winslow, 1968, p. 278).
Eye for an Eye Just Desserts – delayed justice Conservative – “lock the door and throw away the key” Liberal – “rehab for everyone” Radical – “offender is also a victim. They are just a product of a bad environment”
Attica 1971 New Mexico 1980 Atlanta 1987 Lucasville, Ohio 1993 Abu Grahib, Iraq 2003
39 officers were taken hostage 10 officers, 29 inmates were killed. 89 were seriously injured. All but one was killed/ injured by officers taking the prison back 54 % of the inmates were black and approx. 30 % were Puerto Rican from New York City (urban). 100 % of the officers were white males from primarily rural northern NY. Most had a high school diploma or GED.
Higher Education – UOP Associate – Doctoral Change in Jail Architecture and Philosophy Cultural Diversity – Urban vs Rural – reflect the local community Better understanding of Corrections officer cultural conflict (organizational development) Efforts have had limited impact on the corrections (law enforcement) culture (Wimhurst & Ransley, 2007)
Linear vs Direct Supervision While the change of building design and philosophy resolved many issues, “unless the staff culture is transformed, then nothing has really changed” (Perroncello, 2002,p. 26).
COMMUNITY BUILDING EXPERIENTIAL TRAINING MODEL - PHILADELPHIA COUNTY JAIL cooperative community vs. a competitive community learning organization self- actualization transformational leadership (Shuford, 2004)
“… the internal culture of this multi-jail system has improved. Departments are proactively cooperating more, individuals were treating each other with more respect, supervisors were using more effective skills, and general negativity among staff was reduced. Supervisors were also noticing fewer use of force incidents in the facility after the training had been provided…when you transform the internal culture of an individual or organization anything is possible.“ ( Shuford, 2004, p. 70)
Attica Prison Riot, Perroncello, P. (2002). Direct supervision: A 2001 odyssey. American Jails. American Jail Association. p Shuford, J.(2004,July/August). The new generation staff development training for jails. American Jails. American Jail Association. p Winslow, R. (1968). Crime in a free society. Selections from the President’s Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Justice. Berkley, Dickenson Publishing Company.