The Core Paragraph Mrs. Little, Honors English 1
Learning Objectives By the end of today, you should be able to say: I can name the parts of a solid core paragraph and their functions I can organize a core paragraph effectively I can write a solid core paragraph
The following statements are not in a logical order. Using numbers, put the statements in their logical order. A) Students drank 15 trillion liters of soda-related products at JHS in B) This means the average Jackson student consumed six times the recommended daily allowance of sugar on a regular basis. C) The diet of the average high school student is a major cause for concern in the United States today. D) As the evidence above clearly shows, the teenage diet needs to be carefully monitored to avoid major health issues in the future. E) Also,the newest statistics on child obesity from the CDC report that, “Teenagers are almost three times as likely to be overweight as they were 20 years ago.”
The Parts of a Core Paragraph 1) Topic sentence 2) DEAF – D etails, E vidence, A necdotes, F acts 3) Commentary (Analysis) 4) Concluding sentence/transition
Topic Sentence Clearly identifies the main idea of the paragraph. The diet of the average high school student is a major cause for concern in the United States today.
Topic Sentence Topic + Specific impression = Topic Sentence
Topic Sentence TOPIC… The diet of the average high school student is… IMPRESSION… …a major cause for concern in the United States today.
DEAF Details Evidence Anecdotes Facts You need at least THREE pieces of evidence for an effective Core Paragraph! that back up the topic sentence
DEAF Students drank 15 trillion liters of soda-related products at JHS in Fact
DEAF The newest statistics on child obesity from the CDC report that, “Teenagers are almost three times as likely to be overweight as they were 20 years ago.” Quote
Analysis Explains how the evidence backs up the topic sentence.
Analysis This means the average Jackson student consumed six times the recommended daily allowance of sugar on a regular basis. This makes Timberwolf students much more susceptible to a variety of unwanted health risks.
Concluding Sentence / Transition Restates the topic sentence or summarizes the paragraph or explains implications
Concluding Sentence As the evidence above clearly shows, the teenage diet needs to be carefully monitored to avoid major health issues in the future.
Transition A transition may be necessary if this paragraph is part of a multiple paragraph essay.
To Review 1) Topic sentence 2) Supporting evidence/details 3) Analysis 4) Concluding sentence/transition
How did we do? How could we rearrange it? Can evidence and commentary be in the same sentence? 2) Students drank 15 trillion liters of soda-related products at JHS in ) This means the average Jackson student consumed six times the recommended daily allowance of sugar on a regular basis. 1) The diet of the average high school student is a major cause for concern in the United States today. 5) As the evidence above clearly shows, the teenage diet needs to be carefully monitored to avoid major health issues in the future. 3) Also,the newest statistics on child obesity from the CDC report that, “Teenagers are almost three times as likely to be overweight as they were 20 years ago.”
The diet of the average high school student is a major cause for concern in the United States today. Students drank 15 trillion liters of soda- related products at JHS in Also, the newest statistics on child obesity from the CDC report that, “Teenagers are almost three times as likely to be overweight as they were 20 years ago.” This means the average Jackson student consumed six times the recommended daily allowance of sugar on a regular basis. As the evidence above clearly shows, the teenage diet needs to be carefully monitored to avoid major health issues in the future.
Check your work Go back through your in-class essay Pick one paragraph from your essay to revise Label the parts (or you can color code) TS (topic sentence) EV (evidence) Comm (commentary) CS/Trans (concluding sentence or transition) Remember, you need at least THREE pieces of evidence with commentary for a solid core paragraph
Outlining Briefly outline your paragraph (you may have to add new evidence from your original). Topic Sentence: Evidence 1: Commentary: Evidence 2: Commentary: Evidence 3: Commentary: Concluding Sentence:
Revising Using your outline, rewrite your paragraph so that it reflects an academic core paragraph that supports your thesis. Remember you need THREE pieces of evidence! Specific textual details (quotes) are fantastic!