Chapter 8 The women accompanying Jesus The parable of the Sower and explanation Lamp under a jar or bed Jesus’ mother and brothers Calming the storm Healing a man with a demon Healing Jairus’ daughter and the woman with the issue of blood
Chapter 9 1.What did Jesus give to His disciples? (1) 2.What did Jesus send the disciples to do? (2) 3.What were they not to take on this journey? (3) 4.Why did Herod want to see Jesus? (7-9) 5.What did Jesus use to feed the multitude? (16) 6.How many baskets of leftovers were there? (17) 7.Who did the people think Jesus might be? (19) 8.Who did Peter say Jesus was? (20)
Chapter 9 9.What must one do if he wants to follow Jesus? (23) 10.What would some standing there see before they died? (27) 11.Who appeared with Jesus on the mountaintop and what did they talk about? (30-31) 12.What did Peter say they should do? (33) Who answered Peter and what was said? (35)
Chapter 9 13.What did Jesus do for the man who called out to him from the crowd? (42) 14.What did Jesus tell His disciples was about to happen to Him? (44) 15.About what were the disciples disputing? (46) How did Jesus answer this dispute? (47-48) 16.What did John tell Jesus he saw? (49) What did John do? (49) What did Jesus tell John he was supposed to do? (50)
Chapter 9 17.What did James and John want to do to some Samaritans? (54) Why did they want to do that? (53) What was Jesus’ response to them? (55) 18.Who is unfit for the Lord’s kingdom? (62)