Charles A. Lindbergh Elementary School Kenmore-Town of Tonawanda UFSD A Business First Math Award Winning School 2010 Top 10% in all of WNY
Lindbergh Elementary Curriculum Night :00p.m -6:30p.m NYS Testing Program, IIP Plan, Health & Wellness 6:30p.m-7:00p.m. Grade 3,4,5 Classrooms 7:00p.m-7:30p.m. Special Area Teachers 7:30p.m-8:00p.m. Grade K, 1, 2 Classrooms
SED Accountability and Changes Changes over the next three years… Insure students will be successful in entry level ELA and MATH courses as they enter college Administer assessments along the way to monitor growth Deliver assessments that will require more rigor Tie teacher and principal evaluations to student learning
Performance Trend Data ELA and MATH September 2010
Performance Data Grades 3-8 trend data School years … , , , and 2009 – 10*
Performance Data Performance data … the % of all students tested performing at a specific level Performance Levels … Level 1 - below standard Level 2 - meets basic standard Level 3 - meets proficiency standard Level 4 - exceeds proficiency standard
District Aggregate Performance for Grades 3-8 Percent at Levels 3 and 4 Green bar shows performance with new cut score applied ELAMATH
Lindbergh Percent at Levels 3 and 4 Green bar shows performance with the new cut score applied ELAMATH
Next Steps Instructional Improvement Plans LASW data teams and early release days Formative/Benchmark Assessments AIS RTI Literacy Cohort Curriculum Mapping … NY Learns Professional Development
English Language Arts Plan Summary ELA Plan # 1 Goal: By 2014, 100% of students in grades three through five at Lindbergh Elementary will achieve Performance Levels 3 or 4 on the NYS ELA Assessment. Strategy #1: Implement instructional and/or intervention strategies based upon analysis of assessment data. Strategy #2: Implement use of Kenmore-Tonawanda UFSD Writing Common Formative Assessments K-5.
Math Plan Summary Goal: By 2014, 100% of students in grades three through five at Lindbergh Elementary will achieve Performance Levels 3 or 4 on the NYS Math Assessment. Strategy #1: Implement appropriate mathematics instruction and / or intervention based upon information derived from data analysis (of Common Formative Assessments, Mid-Year Assessments, End of Year Assessments, and NYS Assessments). Strategy #2: Develop and use a variety of strategies to help students master their basic (+, -, *, /) facts which will improve student learning within the Number Sense and Operation strand.
Levels of Distinction Summary Goal: By 2014, 60% of students in 3-5 at Lindbergh Elementary will achieve Performance Level 4 on the NYS Math Assessments. By 2014, 40% of students in 3-5 at Lindbergh Elementary will achieve Performance Level 4 on the NYS ELA Assessments. Strategy: Analyze & Target Instruction to Level 3 students. Root Causes Addressed: Lack of targeted Level 3 & 4 instruction in ELA and Math as evidenced by lack of building based targeted data dissemination.
Where Can I Find Out More? Lindbergh Elementary Website
Requirements of Public Law Ken-Ton District Wellness Policy Due to the obesity rates the Federal Government felt a need to act. As a result, Public Law was passed requiring school districts to create and adopt a local wellness plan by school year.
District Wellness Goals for school year Healthy Celebrations- which don’t include foods from the minimal nutritional value listing (FMNV) or will be non-food related (Also accommodate increasing # of food allergies) Ken-Ton Wellness Brochure. Healthy Celebration Pamphlet Eliminate Food as a reward- use other options Fundraising Eliminate food-related fundraising to students during the school day
Healthier US School Challenge October 2010 A wider variety of fruits and vegetables, including dark green and orange vegetables, dry beans and peas, and fresh fruits Frequent use of whole-grain products Low-fat or fat-free milk Lindbergh Goal: 70% of students will purchase a school lunch during the month of October. $ School Prize!