Discrimination Scenarios Scenario 1: One day, a black woman named Rosa Parks was riding home on a bus after a long day of work. She was very tired. She got on the bus and sat in an empty seat. In those days her city had a special law: if there weren't enough seats on the bus for white people, black people were supposed to give up their seats to them. Soon after she got on, the bus seats were full, and then more people got on. The white people expected Rosa to get up from her seat. Rosa refused to get up from her seat. She was later arrested because she would not give up her seat to a white person. Scenario 2: On election day in the late 1890’s a woman heads to her local polling place. There is a man who she would like to vote for running for senator of the state. She stands and waits in the line. When she gets to the front and it is her turn the man behind the desk tells her that she is not allowed to vote. She is very mad and demands why. He tells her it because women's votes do not count in the election This makes her even more angry and she causes a scene because she is a citizen of the state and wants her vote to count. She is then arrested and held on trial.
Discrimination Scenarios Scenario 3: Back in the 1950s public school like you attend today was divided into schools that white children could go to and schools that black children could go to. This was called segregated schools. In 1951 a mother went to register her child to a school nearest to their house. She was told that her child was not allowed to attend this school. Her child had to go to the designated school for black children that was further from there house. The mother took the school district to court and won! The court said that separate could never be equal and that her child had the right to go to the closet neighborhood school.
Was this a case of discrimination? answer cards Yes No
What constitutional right was violated or not protected? Amendment 14. Amendment 15. Amendment 19.