Step 1: Put your address in the top right-hand corner of the letter. Don’t write your address. 23 Oak Street Roswell, Georgia
Step 2: Write the date under your address. Leave the space between your address and the date. There are different ways of writing the date: 2 3 Oak Street R oswell, Georgia S eptember 12, 2010 1 2th September September 2010 9 /12/2010 (Americans w rite the month first)
Step 3: Greeting or opening the letter. Put a comma after the greeting. 2 3 Oak Street R oswell, Georgia S eptember 12, 2010 DDDDear Emily,
Step 4: Start the letter with a greeting. Begin with the capital letter. 2 3 Oak Street R oswell, Georgia S eptember 12, 2010 DDDDear Emily, H i! How are you? I’m sorry I haven’t written…. Thank you for your letter…. I arrived safely in Atlanta. I am staying with a very nice family here. I will be staying here most of the summer. I am looking forward to see you later this summer.
Step 5: End the letter like this. 23 Oak Street Roswell, Georgia September 12, 2010 Dear Emily, Hi! How are you? I’m sorry I haven’t written … Thank you for your letter.... I arrived safely in Atlanta. I’m staying with a very nice family here. I will be staying here most of the summer. Please write me soon. I hope to hear from you soon. Best regards to your family.
Step 6: Sign the letter. If you use the computer or typewriter, don’t forget to sign your name in your own writing. 23 Oak Street Roswell, Georgia September 12, 2010 Dear Emily, Hi! How are you? I am sorry I haven’t written you. Thank you for your letter. I arrived safely in Atlanta. I am staying with a nice family here. I’ll be staying here most of the summer. I am looking forward to seeing you later this summer. Please write me soon. Love, Nelly. Sincerely, Sincerely, Yours sincerely, Yours sincerely, Your friend, Your friend, Your pen pal, Your pen pal,