Mayfield Publishing Company Weight Management Basics 55% of American adults are overweight 22% of American adults are obese One of the most serious and widespread challenges to health and wellness in the United States
Mayfield Publishing Company Health Risks of Obesity Major risk factor for heart disease Increased risk of CVD, hypertension, gallbladder disease, diabetes Associated with certain types of cancer Complications in pregnancy Respiratory problems Joint disease Image source:
Mayfield Publishing Company Increased Risk of High Blood Pressure During Pregnancy _ First pregnancy in women under age 17 or over age 35. _ A family history of high blood pressure. _ Pregnancy with twins or triplets. _ Poor diets during pregnancy. _ Overweight or obese. _ Smokers. _ Other health problems, such as blood vessel conditions, kidney disease, diabetes, etc.
Mayfield Publishing Company Factors Influencing Obesity Genetic – genes influence body size and shape, body fat distribution, and metabolic rate Environmental – lifestyle choices Metabolism and energy balance – energy in (as food) versus energy out (resting metabolism, energy to digest food, physical activity)
Mayfield Publishing Company Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) RMR accounts for % of daily energy expenditure Affected by – heredity and environment – gender – lifestyle Exercise increases RMR
Mayfield Publishing Company Other Explanations for Overweight Weight cycling Restrained eating leading to overeating (binge eating) Psychological, social, cultural factors Image source:
Mayfield Publishing Company Changing Your Energy Balance For weight loss, a negative calorie balance must be created by expending more calories than are consumed Increasing physical activity increases calories expended Changing diet can decrease calories consumed
Mayfield Publishing Company Dietary Guidelines for Weight Management Control consumption of calories, fat, sugar, protein Monitor portion sizes Increase intake of complex carbohydrates Develop regular eating habits
Mayfield Publishing Company Equal Calories Different Portions _ 1 Scone (7¾ oz) 700 calories 700 calories _ 1½ oz (dry weight) oatmeal with peaches 170 cal _ English muffin with jam 150 cal _ Cherries 80 cal _ Corn flakes with banana 160 cal _ 2 slices light toast w/marmalade 100 cal _ Orange & pineapple 40 cal _ TOTAL = 700 calories Shapiro, H. M. (2000)
Mayfield Publishing Company Equal Calories Different Portions 700 calories Source: Dr. Shapiro’s Perfect Weight Loss (2000)
Mayfield Publishing Company Lifestyle Factors Diet and eating habits Physical activity and exercise – regular physical activity Thoughts and emotions – positive self-image Coping strategies – dealing with the stresses and challenges of life
Mayfield Publishing Company Strategies for Weight Management Doing it alone Diet books Diet aids Commercial programs Prescription drugs Surgery Psychotherapy Image source:
Mayfield Publishing Company Body Image Picture of the body as seen through the mind’s eye – Negative body image can cause significant psychological distress Eating disorders characterized by dissatisfaction with body image and body weight – anorexia nervosa – bulimia nervosa – binge-eating disorder Image source: ad #564 from Gucci's "Sponsor Starving Models by Buying our Clothes" advertising campaign.
Mayfield Publishing Company Anorexia Nervosa _ In January 1983 thirty- two-year-old singer Karen Carpenter died as a result of complications from anorexia nervosa. Her death made the eating disorder well known to the American public.
Mayfield Publishing Company Bulimia Nervosa _ Purging Type: Individual regularly engages in self-induced vomiting or the misuse of laxatives, diuretics, or enemas to lose weight _ Nonpurging Type: Individual uses compensatory behaviors, such as fasting or excessive exercise, but is not regularly engaged in self- induced vomiting or the misuse of laxatives, diuretics, or enemas to lose weight.
Mayfield Publishing Company Bulimia Facts _ Five million Americans suffer from eating disorders. _ Twenty-eight percent of bulimia cases are first diagnosed during dental examinations. _ Fifteen percent of young women have substantially disordered eating attitudes and behaviors. _ Two to three percent of adolescent women develop bulimia.
Mayfield Publishing Company Binge-Eating Disorder Individuals with serious binge eating problems often _ feel their eating is out of control _ eat what most people would think is an unusually large amount of food _ eat much more quickly than usual during binge episodes eat until so full they are uncomfortable
Mayfield Publishing Company Binge-Eating Disorder _ eat large amounts of food, even when they are not really hungry _ eat alone because they are embarrassed about the amount of food they eat _ feel disgusted, depressed, or guilty after overeating.
Mayfield Publishing Company Guidelines for Healthy Weight Management Assess motivation and commitment Set reasonable goals Assess current energy balance Increase level of physical activity Make changes in diet and eating habits Put plan into action Image source: