a usually brief period or bout of excessive eating.
very fat or overweight;
binge eating is a completely separate eating disorder from bulimia nervosa and anorexia nervosa affects approximately 1-5% of the U.S. population, according to the National Eating Disorders Association
Obesity is a chronic condition like diabetes or heart disease You are defined as obese if you are 20% above normal body weight due to fat
There is no positive effects of binge eating and obesity. Obesity is negative on the health of the individual because of the weight strain on the body Binge eating is negative on the health of the individual because of the amount of food one eating at a time.
Sexual abuse or rape Emotional abuse Parents' divorce Death of a loved one Physical violence
Overconsumption Eating Too Many High-Fat or Refined Sugary Foods Reduced Energy Expenditure Family Influence
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Obesity rate is rising rapidly. Kids in the U.S. that are obese don’t even live to be 50 years old. It can lead to diabetes and knee pain. Binge eating is a physiological thing not a disease. It is nothing like bulimia and anorexia nervosa.
1. what is binge eating? 2. what are some causes to obesity? 3. is binge eating related to anorexia?