Lek writes a Letter He tells his friend all about the mysterious plate! By Ms. Marisa Vella Demanuele.


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Presentation transcript:

Lek writes a Letter He tells his friend all about the mysterious plate! By Ms. Marisa Vella Demanuele

Writing Letters A letter is a form of writing which is used to communicate a message. People write letters for a huge variety of reasons including: To keep in touch with friends To apply for a job To complain To make an enquiry To argue a point It is important to use the correct language and layout in a letter depending on who you are sending it to.

Writing a letter to a Friend Remember that you are writing a letter to a friend so try to keep the tone light-hearted but the sentences must still be in standard English.

Follow the correct Format When writing a letter always write: Sender’s address Date Salutation and Name of recipient Indent to start writing the introduction. Start a new paragraph for every point you have to write about. Sign off! It is always a good idea to make sure the recipient of the letter knows who is sending it! So at the bottom of the page say, ‘Yours sincerely,’ or ‘Thanking you’ or ‘Yours faithfully.’ Then write your name on the last line.

Informal Letter Template Here is an example of how you should format your informal letter: (Your address) No. 5, Apple Street, Iklin Ilk 1043 (Date) 12th October 2011 Dear Gregory, (Salutation) _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Yours sincerely, Marisa (Sign off)

Plan your Writing Carefully! Your task today is to pretend you are Lek, a young man who helps Daeng the fisherman. Lek has just returned home after an unusual day. While on a fishing trip, their net got stuck and after pulling it endlessly, they managed to pull the net onto the fishing boat. Inside the net they found not only fish, but also a valuable blue and white plate!

Pre-Writing When writing a recount, a good idea to plan your writing is to make a time-line of events so that you relate them in chronological order.