The One True God Reveals Himself Through a People
Abraham and Sarah A polytheistic nomad becomes a monotheistic patriarch through a covenant with God Sodom & Gomorrah, Two sons (Ishmael & Isaac), Jacob becomes “Israel” The Exodus Enslaved in Egypt Moses leads Israelites out and protects them for 40 years, defining the laws and temple rites The Kings and Prophets The nation splits (Israel & Judah), David, Solomon, Elijah Exile and Return The youth of Israel keep the religion alive (Daniel), Jeremiah, Nehemiah
The Israelite Temple With the rebuilding of the temple, Jewish religion flourishes until the Romans conquer The Roman Occupation Even with Rome in charge, many Jews are allowed to live out their faith unharmed unless a revolt disturbs the peace (Zealots, Jesus, Maccabees) The Destruction and Diaspora 66 A.D. the Zealots want the homeland back. Rome crushes this revolt by destroying the temple and killing or exiling all Jews- the nation is dispersed, but the religion survives with the synagogues
Survival Through the Synagogue Focus of Judaism is moved from temple sacrifices to Torah study and worship in the synagogue Rise of rabbis who reveal the Torah to the people and lead communities Persecutions Jews are small parts of different nation populations (Arab countries & Europe- Poland, Russia, Spain) Depending on religious tolerance of leaders, Jews are persecuted in pogroms Largest persecution is Nazi Germany’s Holocaust from A Nation Restored Zionism (a return to the homeland) Movement calls Jews back to Palestine after WWII. Mass immigration to British controlled area until the United Nations declares Israel a country in 1948.
Hear O Israel! The LORD is our God, the LORD alone (is one). You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. Take to heart these instructions with which I charge you this day. Impress them upon your children. Recite them when you stay at home and when you are away, when you lie down and when you get up. Bind them as a sign on your hand and let them serve as a symbol on your forehead; inscribe them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.-Deuteronomy 6:4-9
GOD IS ONE God names Himself to Moses “YHVH” or “I Am Who I Am”. Forbidden to pronounce G-d, term became “My Lord” or Adonai. (Exodus 3) GOD IS PERSONAL God makes a covenant with Abraham’s descendants. He is in a relationship with these people and will never leave them. (Genesis 15:1-6) GOD IS SAVING God saves the Jewish people, many times in history. They believe the God of the universe is intimately tied to their history- a salvation history. (Exodus 5:22-6:12) GOD IS FAITHFUL God calls, people either answer or say “no”. There is a certain amount of faith that people need to believe. (Exodus 24) GOD IS ABOVE ALL People cannot control God. Prayer and ritual is not in hopes of coercing God, but to worship who He is.
ALL PEOPLE HAVE DIGNITY People are made in the image of God (Genesis 1:24-31), they are not the slaves or playthings of gods. Therefore humane slavery, no mutilation, human sacrifice, and women & children had rights. TRUE MORALITY IS FIDELITY Developed a legal system that protected the poor and promoted justice; “the light of the nations” (p.56) SIN IS BREAKING THE COVENANT Sin is not the state of people, it is missing the mark “chet”; unfaithfulness to the law. People cannot redeem themselves, only God redeems people. DESTINY IS THE HOPE OF A MESSIANIC AGE The Jewish people depend on God to re-create and restore them. Therefore, there is hope because there is God. (pg.59)
What is your idea of God. Is there a God? One or many? Are they like the Greek gods (human characteristics, capricious), the Babylonian god (evil and good), or the Jewish God? What experiences have shaped this conclusion for you? In what ways do you remember/revere/fear your God(s)? Write your own Shema. (3 or 4 sentences about who God is to you and your relationship with that God. Be prepared to discuss this in the next class. Read pages , quietly in your book.