How do we disturb the Universe? The Chocolate War Unit Plan
BELL RINGER List as many “rules” of society you can think of – some of which you may have been “taught”, others than have been implied, and others you just “knew”. –Example: take you hat off when you enter a room. Why are these rules in place? What purpose do they serve? Who, if anyone, do they benefit?
INTRO Read Franklin’s Autobiography, page 141 Discuss each “enumeration” Are these still relevant today? FRIDAY BELL RINGER: Complete a quick write that explains why this one in particular stood out and how/why it matters (or pertains) to you.
Friday’s Small Group Activity Read Washington’s Rules of Civility Working in small groups, complete a visual for the assigned Rule of Civility. Be sure your “presentation” has the following elements: the rule a visual interpretation a brief “translation” and explanation of its significance When completed, hang on the wall for a gallery walk and discussion.
Bell Ringer: Bully Video Reaction Students and Schools: – afe=activehttp:// afe=active Adults: (CAUTION – explicit language) – ctivehttp:// ctive QUICK WRITE: –What are your reactions to these videos? Who is bullied, and why? What effects does bullying have? Can only students be bullied? Are students only responsible for bullying?
Group Questions Read the questions provided to you. As a small group, answer the questions about bullying, authority, “disturbing the universe”, power, belonging to a group, etc. Each group member must have answers jotted in their own notebook as this may be a part of your 2NW check! Be prepared to share you responses with the class tomorrow!
BELL RINGER : Pick a Marble… You have each chosen a marble. If your marble is black, please report to the side counter. Those of you with other colors… report to your desk. Await further instructions.
Further Instructions Those of you with the black marbles, copy and write this quote 100 times in your ISN: –“One's dignity may be assaulted, vandalized and cruelly mocked, but it can never be taken away unless it is surrendered.” Those of you who pulled any other color, you are free to listen to music, take a nap, reassess, work on other class work, chat with friends, or even text. ENJOY!!!
The real truth… WE ARE ALL DOING THE SAME ACTIVITY… Return to your desks. QUICK WRITE: (respond in ISN) –How did you feel being singled out, or how did you feel for those being singled out? How did you feel being given special privileges? Did I have a right to do this? Could I have gotten away with it? Would you feel differently about me? Was I being a bully?
Philosophical Chairs Sitting as a whole class group, discuss what you came up with in your smaller groups in response to our earlier list of questions. Leader moves conversation forward using the name cards. Philosophical chairs means we share our ideas and personal insight. NO ONE IS WRONG. We may agree to disagree, but we WILL show respect to EVERYONE. We speak when it is our turn and listen when it is others’. Every student must contribute at least once. Only then can you add to the conversation for a second, third, and forth time.
BR: COURAGE POEM Read the poem “Courage” that you have been given. As you read, mark the text for parts you fell are important and/or powerful. Comment in the margins whatever ideas you may want to discuss. In your notebook, write a reaction to the poem – like, dislike? Can you identify, or no? Is this meaningful to you, or not? YOU DECIDE YOUR RESPONSE, but respond!
Malala Article Read the Article on Malala Yousafzai – school-activist-malala-yousafzai-survives-hit-by-pakistani- taliban.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0&pagewanted=printhttp:// school-activist-malala-yousafzai-survives-hit-by-pakistani- taliban.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0&pagewanted=print Complete chart assigned List 5 Questions you would ask her Time permitting – watch video: – another-pakistani-girls-dream?ft=3&f= http:// another-pakistani-girls-dream?ft=3&f= –What would you say to this young lady?
FINDING COURAGE BELL RINGER Write letter to past/present self about an enemy or bully you have had, known, encountered – or still do. What would you say? What words of encouragement would you offer? If you have never been bullied, maybe you were the bully – write to yourself about your behavior and your part in making life difficult for someone else. COMPLETE IN ISN.
Visual Representations View the Image: Complete the tasks assigned – discuss, read (listen), question. – little-polish-boy-standing-with-his.html little-polish-boy-standing-with-his.html
TASK TO TURN IN Write a first person account of feeling and emotion as though you were the little boy in this image. What would he say if he could be heard? What are his reactions? What is he thinking?