An update from the National Committee on Levee Safety Presented to the TWCA by Karin M. Jacoby, PE, Esq. June 17, 2011 1 of 14An Involved Public and Reliable.


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Presentation transcript:

An update from the National Committee on Levee Safety Presented to the TWCA by Karin M. Jacoby, PE, Esq. June 17, of 14An Involved Public and Reliable Levee Systems

Presentation Overview Levees in the U.S. Creation of the National Committee on Levee Safety Overview of Recommendations for a National Levee Safety Program An Involved Public and Reliable Levee Systems2 of 14

Levee History in the US 1600’s – 1920’s Private levees the norm No coordination No government involvement No oversight 1920’s – 1960’s Congress declares “flood control” a federal interest Construction of major systems in CA and along the Mississippi River An Involved Public and Reliable Levee Systems3 of ’s – Present NFIP established with “100-year flood” set as the insurance standard Federal policy change requires local “cost sharing” in flood control projects Levees built in uncoordinated fashion, by different entities, not as a system, resulting in no typical levee, and no typical levee owner

Many levees designed for one purpose are now serving another There are no national levee standards - construction, maintenance, inspection Varying levels of responsibility and maintenance – federal, state, local, special districts, private Aging infrastructure & growing risk Levees Today: Lacking Standards and Leadership 4 of 14An Involved Public and Reliable Levee Systems

Recognizing the Risk 1993: Midwest Floods 1997: CA’s Central Valley 2005: Gulf Coast Flooding “The Great Flood” of 1993 (PBS & USACE) An Involved Public and Reliable Levee Systems5 of 14

Levee Safety: A National Concern Do not know location or condition of most of the nation’s levees 14 million people live behind 14,000 miles of Corps levees An Involved Public and Reliable Levee Systems6 of 14

WRDA 2007 – Congress created the National Committee on Levee Safety “The committee shall develop recommendations for a National Levee Safety Program, including a strategic plan for implementation of the program.” –Federal, state, local/regional government and private sector representatives –Includes expertise in: Engineering Levee operation Law and policy Public administration –Further expertise and feedback on development of recommendations provided via Review Team An Involved Public and Reliable Levee Systems7 of 14

Vision for Levee Safety in the U.S. An involved public and reliable levee systems working as part of an integrated approach to protect people and property from floods. 8 of 14An Involved Public and Reliable Levee Systems

20 Recommendations in 3 Main Categories National Levee Safety Program Comprehensive and Consistent Leadership Strong Levee Safety Programs in all States Aligned Federal Programs An Involved Public and Reliable Levee Systems9 of 14

Recommendations for a National Levee Safety Program Implementation Phase of Work Comprehensive and Consistent National Leadership 1. Establish a National Levee Safety Commission 2. Expand and Maintain the National Levee Database 3. Adopt a Hazard Potential Classification System 4. Develop & Adopt National Levee Safety Standards 5. Develop Tolerable Risk Guidelines 6. Change “Certification” to “Compliance Determination” 7. Require Peer Review of Levee Compliance Determinations 8. Swiftly Address Emerging Levee Liability Issues 9. Develop & Implement a Public Involvement and Education/Awareness Campaign 10. Provide Technical Materials and Technical Assistance 11. Develop a National Levee Safety Training Program 12. Harmonize Safety and Environmental Concerns 13. Conduct a Research & Development Program Phase I Phase II Phase II and III Phase I Phase I and II Phase II Building and Sustaining Levee Safety Program in All States 14. Design and Delegate Program Responsibilities to States 15. Establish a Levee Safety Grant Program 16. Establish the National Levee Rehabilitation, Improvement, and Flood Mitigation Fund Phase II Aligning Existing Federal Programs 17. Explore potential incentives and disincentives for good levee behavior 18. Risk-Based Flood Insurance in Leveed Areas 19. Augment FEMA’s Mapping Program 20. Align FEMA’s Community Rating System to Reward Safety Programs that Exceed Requirements Phase II Phase I An Involved Public and Reliable Levee Systems10 of 14

Six Key Activities of National Levee Safety Program 1.One-time comprehensive inventory and inspection of levees and maintain a comprehensive National Levee Database 2.Develop model state levee safety program and incentives to adopt it 3.Establish Levee Rehabilitation, Improvement, & Flood Mitigation Fund so qualified states and communities can reduce significant flood risk and improve public safety 11 of 14An Involved Public and Reliable Levee Systems

Six Key Activities of National Levee Safety Program 4.Develop model national levee safety standards and encourage federal agencies, states, and communities to adopt standards appropriate to their region and needs 5.Align federal programs for incentivizing state programs and appropriate investments in levees and leveed areas 6.Understand and address liability concerns 12 of 14An Involved Public and Reliable Levee Systems

Program Governance & Structure Program Administrator and support staff Federal Interagency Committee on Levee Safety National Levee Safety Commission (or Advisory Board) Safety & the Environment Public Involvement & Education Technical Matters State Programs Standing Committees 13 of 14An Involved Public and Reliable Levee Systems

Thank you Questions 14 of 14An Involved Public and Reliable Levee Systems