Civil War 101 September 2, 2014
U.S. Constitution??? Supreme Law of the Land State Governments – Deals with laws within a state Federal Government – Deal with Taxes, Federal Budget, coin $$$, Military, Treaties, & FEDERAL laws Federal Government HOLDS AUTHORITY – All federal laws outweigh state laws Who makes up Federal Gov’t? Senate (2) and House of Reps (Population) ANYTHING not specifically assigned to FEDERAL government in the Constitution…GOES to STATES (10 th Amendment) – Example: education; marriage UNLESS, the federal government passes an AMENDMENT AMENDMENT: Change to the Constitution
Civil War Facts 1861 – 1865 April 12, 1861: Civil War starts in Fort Sumter, SC when SOUTH fires on the NORTH More than 3 million fought in war Deadliest war – 620,000 died/ 2% of population Today: Population 300 million – 2% of population would equal 6 million No DOG TAGS Why so many deaths? 1.New weapons (300 yards) 2.Railroads 3.Disease (killed twice as many) Confederate States: 11 Union States: 23 (5 border states) Border State: SLAVE state that did NOT leave UNION Border States: Missouri, Kentucky, Delaware, Maryland, & West Virginia
Deadliest Battle – Battle at Antietam 23,000 died in 1 day Up until 1863: SOUTH WINNING the war Turning Point: Battle at Gettysburg – July 1 – July 3 (1863) November 1863: Lincoln delivered Gettysburg Address – “Four score & Seven Years ago…” January 1865: 13 th Amendment ratified by Congress Ratify: APPROVE 13 th Amendment: Abolish (get rid) SLAVERY March 1865: Lincoln wins a 2 nd term as U.S. President April 9, 1865: Civil War ends – South surrenders to North April 15, 1865: Abraham Lincoln assassinated – New President: Andrew Johnson
Challenges after Civil War over??? Land destroyed Freed slaves??? Change beliefs/ get along Should South be punished? What needs to happen for AMENDMENT??? 2/3 Congress (already done – January 1865) 3/4 States (NEED) 36 states (NEED _______ states)