Turn your Radio ON What TV programs and movies have you watched recently? What songs do you listen to? Imagine that you live in a time before the invention of the TV, itunes and computers. Time travel is free today. *How would your life be different? *What would be a likely substitute for entertainment, such as itunes and TV? *What would be a likely substitute for receiving news and information? DOK: 2-3; LT: I can categorize FDRs fireside chats. S. 1
* the radio was invented in the late 1800s and radio broadcasting began on a large scale in the 1920s *broadcast of the 1920 presidential election results is generally considered the beginning of the professional broadcasting *golden age of broadcasting began around 1925 and in 1926 the National Broadcasting Company (NBC) made plans for radios to be in 26 million American homes *families gathered in the evening to listen to music, comedies and dramas *entertainment and connected people with the world through newscasts DOK: 2-3; LT: I can categorize FDRs fireside chats. S. 1
*FDR became president in 1933 at the most severe point of the Great Depression. *Financial despair *Banks were failing *at least one-fourth of the labor force was unemployed *families were losing their homes and many were going hungry. What did Roosevelt promise? What was his famous quote? DOK: 2-3; LT: I can categorize FDRs fireside chats. S. 1
Fireside Chats ** add a picture of a fireside *FDR needed to restore confidence in the US economy. *the radio was his tool through direct communication *FDR began a series of evening radio talks *”Man of the Hour”- draw conclusions DOK: 2-3; LT: I can categorize FDRs fireside chats. S. 1
●Get a card ●there are three problems addressed in the handouts ●read your half-sheets and go to your area of the classroom where the topic that your information indicates ●form one group per label ●Each of you should discuss and explain the information on your handout to the group by identifying the information as a data table or an excerpt from a fireside chat, by reading the excerpt aloud, summarizing the data and explaining how the info relates to the problem. ●DOK: 2-3; LT: I can categorize FDRs fireside chats. S. 1
Key Words and Concepts *discuss ways in which any of the concepts on Handout 5.2 are relevant to your groups’ problems, data and fireside chat excerpt. *Clarify the terms on the hand out/take notes on your handout for use later: -Balanced budget: federal government’s expenditures on programs equal the amount of tax revenue collected. President Roosevelt often addressed the act that the government was spending more than the revenue it was collecting *When the government spends more than it collects it is in a “deficit”, if it borrows to pay deficit it has added to the national debt. *FDR: yes, national debt but increased national income and long-term benefits to the economy: roads, bridges, dams, schools… -Personal income: wages and salaries, rental income, profit, interest -Real Gross Domestic Product: the market value of all final goods and services produced in an economy in a given year adjusted for inflation -money stock: available in economy: coins, currency, checking deposits -unemployment: people 16 years of age and more without jobs and seeking -unemployment rate: percentage of labor force willing and able to work, no job and seeking DOK: 2-3; LT: I can categorize FDRs fireside chats. S. 1
Turn your radio on! *questions on strips, divide in group, answer and be ready to share with all Present! DOK: 2-3; LT: I can categorize FDRs fireside chats. S. 1
Consumer Confidence what is it? *related to how consumers feel about the economy and is an indication of spending and saving decisions. -Why is it important? *influence behavior today… -economy weak, jobs not secure, then________________________ *the Conference Board, an independent economic research firm issues a montly surbey that is based on a representative sample of 5,000 U.S. households *gives measure of optismism about curent economic conditions through consumers’ spending behavior *also University of Michigan’s Consumer Sentiment INdex *economists are trying to understand and project ho people’s attitudes about the health of the economy will influence their spending, saving and borrowing behaviorsDOK: 2-3; LT: I can categorize FDRs fireside chats. S. 1
fireside chat: your turn *each group is responsible for creating its own “fireside chat” based on these questions. *each group will make a __________________ of your message *2-3 minutes long *played to class *identify economic concept or problem that existed during the Great Depression *define or explain that problem or concept to the public *propose a solution in a manner that encourages citizens to support that plan and builds confidence in the economy *how would hearing your chat have affected you as a listener (or how are you TRYING to affect your listener?) -presentations and audience Graphic Organizer DOK: 2-3; LT: I can categorize FDRs fireside chats. S. 1
Consumer Confidence Survey *this modified and simplified survey can measure the effectiveness of the fireside-chat recordings based on the limited information provided by the groups *complete the survey by assuming the role of a U.S. citizen during the Great Depression-consider the problems of the Great Depression- register your reaction to the presentations combined *tabulate the results of your survey by following the instructions at the bottom of the survey sheet DOK: 2-3; LT: I can categorize FDRs fireside chats. S. 1
scores 35-40: very confident 30-35: somewhat confident 26-30: neutral (did not affect attitude of listener) 20-25: lack of confidence DOK: 2-3; LT: I can categorize FDRs fireside chats. S. 1
summarize use your graphic organizer to review and summarize *then write a blog-trade-assess the one you receive DOK: 2-3; LT: I can categorize FDRs fireside chats. S. 1