Assignment 2 P4: produce safe and effective exercise prescriptions for three different specific groups.
Introducing Children to Sport Considerations?
Warm Ups and Cool Downs A Warm Up should include: Low level activities to raise temperature, breathing & heart rate Controlled movements of joints Stretches held for 6 – 10 seconds A cool down should include: Cooling activities to gradually decrease intensity of exercise e.g walk back to changing room Stretches held still for 6 – 10 seconds
Challenge Can you do … 5 …10…50 etc? How many can you do in 30 seconds …1 minute? Can you make consecutive passes, throws, etc? How far can you kick, throw, roll, etc? How many points can you score from hitting different parts of a target? Can you invent another game similar to this? OHT 3.40
Modifying Games Playing area Equipment Team structure Individual roles and positions Rules Scoring OHT 3.41
Older People & Sport Considerations?
Aims of a warm up for older people Gradually prepare mind & body for work safely & effectively Mobilise joints in order to improve joint function in the performance of everyday activities Promote circulation & generate heat Stretch out the muscles as part of activity preparation Stimulate CNS facilitating performance Enhance enjoyment & motivation by providing a relaxed, fun atmosphere OHT 4.24
AIMS OF EXERCISE SESSION Promote circulation Stimulate movement Articulate specific movement response Broaden the range of movement at each joint Improve posture Improve motor skills Improve performance of daily functions Increase body awareness Increase awareness / interaction with others Engage attention Increase daily activity levels Increase enjoyment OHT 4.13a Exercise journal jan/feb ’99 S.Dinan
Aim of cool down for the older adult To return the body to pre activity state To ensure the cool down is gradual and relatively prolonged: min 10 mins Allow the HR a longer time to return to pre-activity state Avoid getting up and down from the floor repeatedly OHT 4.25
Disabled People & Sport Considerations?
A Model for adapting activities Select The Activity Adaptation Set Realistic Goals Skills & Objectives Incidental Skills Observation & Analysis
Structure of a session Every session, regardless of the session objectives, should have the following structure: A Warm Up = approx 15% of session A Main Session = approx 70% session A cool Down = approx 10% to include feedback OHT 6.32
COMPONENTS OF A COOL DOWN Pulse Lowering To prevent blood pooling To reduce HR and BR To remove waste products ( & by products Stretching Maintain & improve Flexibility Realign muscle fibres to prevent injury Core Temperature of muscle must be warm before stretching Leaders may have to re-warm after main session OHT 6.38
REST GUIDELINES 24 HOURS rest between aerobic workouts Minimum 24 – 48 hours between strength training sessions A more intense session e.g circuit training, requires longer rest between sessions At least 2 days off each week from moderate to high intensity aerobic workouts Adapted from physical website 1999 OHT 6.39
Training HR zones Maximum HR is calculated using the following formula: MHR = 220 – age Training zone Intensity Energy system used (%of MHR) 50-60% low aerobic 65-80% moderate aerobic 80-90% high anaerobic OHT 6.55
What is F.I.T.T.(A)? F frequency = the number of times an individual exercises in a week I intensity = how hard an individual should work in each exercise session T time = the length of each exercise T type = the specific types of activity that people should perform to maintain and promote health benefits A adherence = anyone engaging in exercise must adhere to the programme if long term benefits are to be gained OHT 6.56
ACSM GUIDELINES 1998 The ACSM (American College of Sports Medicine) has suggested he following guidelines for applying the FITT principle to the components of fitness: Aerobic Exercise F = 3-5 times per week I = 55 –90% MHR T = 20-60 mins. Lower intensity 30 mins + T = continuous type exercises using large muscle groups,e.g walking, hiking, running, jogging, cycling, skipping, rowing, skating, endurance games OHT 6.57
ACSM OHT 6.57 Muscular Strength & Endurance F = 2 days a week I = moderate T = 8 –12 reps x 8-10 exercises (for major muscle groups) older people / frail:10 –15 reps T = Isotonic, whole body approach, 8-10 exercises OHT 6.57
ASCM Flexibility F = 3 times a week I = not so extreme as to cause pain – mild tension T = 10 – 30 s, repeated 3-5 times T = static stretching Exercise should involve expenditure of 250 – 300kcal per session, 3x pw for weight control OHT 6.57