Workers don’t take the time to understand their benefit choices Aflac surveyed American workers and found: 90 % choose the same benefts year after year.** 64 % say they rarely or never understand the changes in their beneft coverage.** 47 % spend less than 30 minutes selecting their health care benefts *and 41% spend less than 15 minutes researching their beneft options.** Source: *2014 Aflac WorkForces Report **2014 Alfac Open Enrollment Survey Z140791A8/14
Source: Aflac Open Enrollment Survey 2 Zillow Mortgage Marketplace Survey, accessed June 18, Z140791D8/14 Time well spent? Workers spend 20 times more efort on vacation planning and 16 times more time selecting a computer than on choosing health insurance. In fact in a recent survey, 41 % said they spend less than 15 minutes selecting their health care benefits. 1 In comparison, they spend a lot more time: 2 Researching new car purchases – 10 hours Researching mortgage loans – 5 hours Planning vacations – 5 hours Shopping for new computers – 4 hours Deciding what televisions to buy – 2 hours
Lack of understanding of insurance leads to wasted money Aflac surveyed American workers and found: 73 % say they only sometimes or rarely understand everything that is covered in their policy.* 62 % say they rarely have a full understanding of their deductible costs.* 42 % estimate they waste up to $750 a year because of mistakes made during open enrollment.** Source: *2014 Aflac WorkForces Report **2014 Aflac Open Enrollment Survey Z140971G8/14
Health expenses higher and workers are not prepared financially Aflac surveyed American workers and found: On average, workers spent $1,569 more on health care this year than last year.** 69 % say they regularly underestimate the total costs of an illness or injury.* 53 % say their health care costs were considerably or somewhat more than last year.** 49 % have $1,000 or less to pay unexpected out-of-pocket medical expenses, and 27 % said they have less than $500.* Source: *2014 Aflac WorkForces Report **2014 Aflac Open Enrollment Survey Z140791K8/14
Many workers waste $750 annually on benefits mistakes Aflac surveyed American workers and discovered 42% estimate they waste up to $750 a year because of mistakes made during open enrollment. 1 That’s equivalent to: Three weeks of grocery for a family of four gallons of gasoline, which is enough to fll the average mid-size car’s tank 14 times. 3, 4 10 months’ worth of diapers for an infant. 5 A family of four seeing 22 box-offce-hit movies. 6 Three iPhone 5Cs with 32 GB of storage. 7 Source: Aflac Open Enrollment Survey. 2 US Dept. of Agriculture, Center for Nutrition Policy & Promotion, Oicial USDA Food Plans, US Average, June 2014, accessed July 30, 2014: 3 US Energy Information Administration, Gasoline Release Date 7/28/14 $3.54, accessed July 30, 2014, Average size of car gas tank, mid-size car is 15 gallon, accessed July 30, 2014: 5 Disposable diapers average cost, $72 per month, accessed July 30, 2014: Average movie ticket costs $8.33, accessed July 30, Apple Store, $199, accessed July 30, %40b&cp=k2-iphone+5c+-n%40b Z140791N8/14