▶ Phrase Check ▶ Word Check ☞ Write the meanings of the words. ☞ Choose the correct word or phrase for each blank National News hit its peak, moving toward, preference for, lose ground, resulted in 17. The nation is a more open society in the 21st century. 한국이 21 세기에 보다 열린 사회로 나아가고 있다. 18. However, Confucian values seem to in the industrialized society. 하지만, 유교적 가치는 산업 사회에서는 설 자리를 잃고 있는 것으로 보인다. 19. The baby boys resulted in a sharp imbalance in the ratio of males to females. 남아 선호 사상은 남녀 비율의 심각한 불균형을 가져왔다. 20. The preference for baby boys a sharp imbalance in the ratio of males to females. 남아 선호 사상은 남녀 비율의 심각한 불균형을 가져왔다. 21. The imbalance in 1990 when boys were born for every 100 girls. 불균형은 여아 100 명당 명의 남아가 태어난 1990 년에 최고조에 달했다. * 총 30 문항, 각 문제당 3.3 점씩 배점 1. married couple2. conduct 3. state-run4. remaining 5. newborn6. indicate 7. preference8. fade 9. social values10. Confucianism 11. bloodline12. succeed 13. firstborn son14. industrialized 15. imbalance16. ratio
▶ Reading Comprehension ☞ Choose the best answer based on the article. Daughters preferred over sons A recent survey, conducted by the state-run Korea Institute of Childcare and Education, shows young Korean married couples prefer baby girls to baby boys. Some 37 percent of fathers out of the families of 2,078 babies born during the April to July period of 2008 said they wanted to have baby girls rather than boys. While some 29 percent of fathers wanted to have baby boys, the remaining 34 percent said they did not care about the sex of their newborn babies. Mothers also gave a similar response with 38 percent preferring daughters to sons, while 31 percent preferred sons. The survey indicates the centuries-old preference for baby boys is fading as a result of the transforming family system and changing social values, meaning the nation is moving toward a more open society in the 21st century. Confucianism has made Koreans believe that their bloodline must be succeeded through their sons and old parents must be supported by their firstborn sons. However, Confucian values seem to lose ground in the industrialized society. The preference for baby boys resulted in a sharp imbalance in the ratio of males to females. The imbalance hit its peak in 1990 when boys were born for every 100 girls. The ratio fell to boys born for every 100 girls in National News 22. What do recent surveys of young Korean married couples suggest about Korea? ① It proves that boys are too troublesome to handle and more difficult to parent than girls are. ② It proves that the nation of Korea is moving away from traditional preferences and towards a more open society. ③ It suggests that the survey size was too small, and thus unable to be used as an accurate measure of opinion. ④ It indicates that most families don't really care about the sex of their child. 23. Which of the following has not been an effect of Confucianism on Korean society? ① It led to a steep imbalance of males to females in the 1990's when there were much more males born. ② It led Koreans to believe that their bloodline must be succeeded through their sons. ③ It led Koreans to believe that parents should be supported by their firstborn sons. ④ It led Koreans to believe that it was better for their families to raise girls than boys.
☞ Write True(T) or False(F). ▶ Composition ☞ Complete the sentences. 29. 서버를 중단시키면 데이터를 손실할 수도 있다. ( data, may, loss, result, in, of ) Stopping the server. 30. 영화관람객들은 가벼운 코미디나 판타지 영화에 대한 선호가 있는 것 같다. ( light comedies, fantasy movies, seem, preference, and, to, have, for ) Moviegoers National News 24. According to the article, of the young Korean couples surveyed, _____ ① 29% of fathers suggested they wanted to have baby girls ② 34% of fathers suggested they wanted to have baby boys ③ 37% of fathers suggested they wanted to have baby girls ④ 31% of mothers suggested they wanted to have baby girls. 25. Which of the following words would best replace 'fading' from the 2nd paragraph? ① Rising ② Declining ③ Remaining steady ④ Increasing 26. The ratio of male children to female children has been decreasing over the years. _____ 27. As we move into the 21st century, Korea is changing its traditional family system and social values. _____ 28. A large amount of parents surveyed indicated that they actually don't care about the sex of their child. _____
▶ Phrase Check ▶ Word Check ☞ Write the meanings of the words. ☞ Choose the correct word or phrase for each blank National News hit its peak, moving toward, preference for, lose ground, resulted in 17. The nation is moving toward a more open society in the 21st century. 한국이 21 세기에 보다 열린 사회로 나아가고 있다. 18. However, Confucian values seem to lose ground in the industrialized society. 하지만, 유교적 가치는 산업 사회에서는 설 자리를 잃고 있는 것으로 보인다. 19. The preference for baby boys resulted in a sharp imbalance in the ratio of males to females. 남아 선호 사상은 남녀 비율의 심각한 불균형을 가져왔다. 20. The preference for baby boys resulted in a sharp imbalance in the ratio of males to females. 남아 선호 사상은 남녀 비율의 심각한 불균형을 가져왔다. 21. The imbalance hit its peak in 1990 when boys were born for every 100 girls. 불균형은 여아 100 명당 명의 남아가 태어난 1990 년에 최고조에 달했다. * 총 30 문항, 각 문제당 3.3 점씩 배점 1. married couple [ 부부 ]2. conduct [ 행하다 ] 3. state-run [ 국영의 ]4. remaining [ 남아있는 ] 5. newborn [ 갓 태어난 ]6. indicate [ 보여주다 ] 7. preference [ 선호 ]8. fade [ 사라지다 ] 9. social values [ 사회적 가치 ]10. Confucianism [ 유교 ] 11. bloodline [ 혈통 ]12. succeed [ 잇다 ] 13. firstborn son [ 장남 ]14. industrialized [ 산업화된 ] 15. imbalance [ 불균형 ]16. ratio [ 비율 ]
▶ Reading Comprehension ☞ Choose the best answer based on the article. Daughters preferred over sons A recent survey, conducted by the state-run Korea Institute of Childcare and Education, shows young Korean married couples prefer baby girls to baby boys. Some 37 percent of fathers out of the families of 2,078 babies born during the April to July period of 2008 said they wanted to have baby girls rather than boys. While some 29 percent of fathers wanted to have baby boys, the remaining 34 percent said they did not care about the sex of their newborn babies. Mothers also gave a similar response with 38 percent preferring daughters to sons, while 31 percent preferred sons. The survey indicates the centuries-old preference for baby boys is fading as a result of the transforming family system and changing social values, meaning the nation is moving toward a more open society in the 21st century. Confucianism has made Koreans believe that their bloodline must be succeeded through their sons and old parents must be supported by their firstborn sons. However, Confucian values seem to lose ground in the industrialized society. The preference for baby boys resulted in a sharp imbalance in the ratio of males to females. The imbalance hit its peak in 1990 when boys were born for every 100 girls. The ratio fell to boys born for every 100 girls in National News 22. What do recent surveys of young Korean married couples suggest about Korea? [2] ① It proves that boys are too troublesome to handle and more difficult to parent than girls are. ② It proves that the nation of Korea is moving away from traditional preferences and towards a more open society. ③ It suggests that the survey size was too small, and thus unable to be used as an accurate measure of opinion. ④ It indicates that most families don't really care about the sex of their child. 23. Which of the following has not been an effect of Confucianism on Korean society? [4] ① It led to a steep imbalance of males to females in the 1990's when there were much more males born. ② It led Koreans to believe that their bloodline must be succeeded through their sons. ③ It led Koreans to believe that parents should be supported by their firstborn sons. ④ It led Koreans to believe that it was better for their families to raise girls than boys.
☞ Write True(T) or False(F). ▶ Composition ☞ Complete the sentences. 29. 서버를 중단시키면 데이터를 손실할 수도 있다. ( data, may, loss, result, in, of ) Stopping the server may result in loss of data. 30. 영화관람객들은 가벼운 코미디나 판타지 영화에 대한 선호가 있는 것 같다. ( light comedies, fantasy movies, seem, preference, and, to, have, for ) Moviegoers seem to have preference for light comedies and fantasy movies National News 24. According to the article, of the young Korean couples surveyed, _____ [3] ① 29% of fathers suggested they wanted to have baby girls ② 34% of fathers suggested they wanted to have baby boys ③ 37% of fathers suggested they wanted to have baby girls ④ 31% of mothers suggested they wanted to have baby girls. 25. Which of the following words would best replace 'fading' from the 2nd paragraph? [2] ① Rising ② Declining ③ Remaining steady ④ Increasing 26. The ratio of male children to female children has been decreasing over the years. [T] 27. As we move into the 21st century, Korea is changing its traditional family system and social values. [T] 28. A large amount of parents surveyed indicated that they actually don't care about the sex of their child. [T]