Prepared By: Menna Hamza Mohamed Mohamed Hesham Fadl Mona Abdel Mageed El-Koussy Yasmine Shaker Abdel Hameed Supervised By: Dr. Magda Fayek
Motion Capture Tracking Techniques Market Survey Virtual Me High Level Design Time Plan Tools
The process of translating human motion to a digital model Games Fast Animation Movies Bio Medical Analysis VR
Facial tracking Full body tracking Hand tracking Partial body tracking
Exoskeleton, joints connected to angular encoder Pros: No interference, No occlusion Real time Large capture range Cons: Freedom of movement is limited Mechanical failures
Magnetic sensors and a constant magnetic field generator Pros: No optical occlusion Sensor orientation is directly given Cons: External interference Small capture range Wiring and batteries
Using markers (reflective or emitting) Uses light intensity to determine marker position Pros: Free movement Capture range Cons: Optical occlusion Extensive pre-processing and post-processing Controlled lighting condition
Using computer vision Detect Humans in the picture Uses techniques to extract motion information from the image Silhouette detection Joint detection
4:24 impulse cams 20:100 impulse active LEDs Price: $29, to $123, Features: Full body motion tracking (including fingers using gloves)
Accelerometer, optical sensors Gaming system Price: $199 Limitations: Can only track the motion of the hand Only useable with the Wii
Web Cam Price: Cam: $34.99 Play station 3: $ Features: Recognizes hand and body movements Limitations: Officially works only with Sony PS3 Low resolution 640x480
A frame work for human motion capture Color based markers Arbitrary number of cams Detect major limbs motion and orientation Hopefully real time
Virtual Goal A simple game will be used as a demonstration The player will defend his goal from multiple balls Limited translation motion
Camera Interface/ Frame Sampler Image Processing Component Marker Detector Capture Rate Adjustment New Capture Rate History Current Capture Rate Constraint Model Video Feed Marker Tracking Component
1 Marker Tracking Component 2 Marker Tracking Component k Merging Component Pose Constructor Application Interpolator
FebFebMarchMarchAprilAprilMayMayJuneJuneJulyJuly Research & Design Basic Components Implementation MidtermsMidterms Initial Integration Adv. Components Implementation Final Integration Final Exams Testing& Optimization
Research& Design Basic Components Implementation MidtermsMidterms Initial Integration Advanced Components Implementation Final Integration Final Exams FebFeb MarchMarchAprilAprilMayMayJuneJuneJulyJuly
Language C++ Tools Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Open CV 2.0